Outsiders yesterday brought to my attention the fairly recent “welcome to country” ceremonies. You humans seem to want to honour the original “custodians” of the land of Australia. I find this odd, for several reasons. One reason is that most of you believe that you “evolved” from “an ape like creature” so should you not be honouring an “ape like” creature as the original custodian?
It would be very hard to conduct such ceremonies in England, with or without apes, the humans there are a melting pot of so many people groups- where would you start?
Mostly “ownership” or “custodianship” of the land has been awarded to the strong in battle, and then bequeathed to their offspring. For instance the Duke of Marlborough’s family would not be in a big hurry to vacate Blenheim Palace, because someone claimed that he originally used to hunt deer on that land, and therefore considered he had “rights” to it. Consider the statue of Boadicea who is at the top of this post. Where does she stand in regard to the custodianship of England?
Because my apparent evolution has led me to much study, I find that the Bible, in Psalm 24, makes it quite clear:
Psalm 24:1-3
24 The earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.
2 For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods.
3 Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? or who shall stand in his holy place?
As usual, I am happy to stay in my zoo until you sort yourselves out.
Is that quite clear?
Gibber! Gibber!
The Biblical Chimp

Awarded to
the Duke of Marlborough, for his victory at the battle of Blenheim
Birthplace of Sir Winston Churchill
2 thoughts on ““ORIGINAL CUSTODIANS?””
Dear Chugley. I too am confused, ambivalent and somewhat non-caring of the whole, “who owns who; and who owns what”. I don’t know who the first inhabitants of this country were, no one can prove and answer that. The Nation has said sorry to those who feel an injustice, it seems a shame we can’t just smile, shake hands and get on living in the greatest country on the planet.
Well thanks Milton! I hope you enjoyed your birthday, thanks for your regular correspondence. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
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