The link above, and heading picture above it, shows Harry Miller of England after acquittal by a judge who called his arrest”Orwellian rubbish”. A non crime. He had posted tweets, such as, “Assigned mammal at birth, identify as fish” to make a humourous point about the ludicrous transgender laws in England. It was listed as a “non crime crime” in the British records.
Harry said “following policies such as this is “as useless as a chocolate fire guard”. He has founded a new movement in England called “Fair Cop”. I re-print the article about Fair Cop and the incident from the English Telegraph:
Media coverage of Fair Cop and the Judicial Review

Police compared to Stasi and Gestapo by judge as he rules they interfered in freedom of speech by investigating ‘non crime’ trans tweet
Judge says that the effect of police turning up at Mr Miller’s workplace “because of his political opinions must not be underestimated”.
Humberside Police unlawfully interfered with a man’s right to freedom of expression by turning up at his place of work over his “allegedly transphobic Tweets” the High Court has ruled.
Former police officer Harry Miller, 54, who founded the campaign group Fair Cop, said the police’s actions had a “substantial chilling effect” on his right to free speech.
Rowan Dean’s Outsiders brought this story to Australia on their top-rating Sky show yesterday. It may save this monkey a lot of trouble. To make it clear as mud, I identify as a Chimp who APPEARS to be evolving in certain areas towards homo sapiens. Maybe the thought police will refrain from bugging my cage and making a fuss about my humourous comments? Really, why would I want to join your madhouse?
Gibber! Gibber!
The Chimp who identifies as Chimp (sort of).

That Judge’s common sense is such a breath of fresh air in such a confusing and paranoid “woke” environment!
I agree 100% Paul. Thanks so much for your continuing interest in my Blog. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
What rubbish we envisage when we have to little to do. I suggest getting into a community organisation that will keep those querying their gender much too busy to fill a mind with this rubbish.
A profoundly wise comment Betty! Fancy burning up Police time with such fake trivia. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
What a waste of England police time and resources.
It is time that PC meaning returns to being a Police Constable, then track down young thugs, thieves, delinquents and give them a boot lesson to the posterior, A much better effective use of time.
A good, solid bit of Australian Common sense. Reminds me of Sir Jack Brabham’s down to earth attitude, if I may say so. Many thanks Sydneysider. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley – Assigned Chimp at Birth, seems to be Evolving Into Human.
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