At risk of seeming like a promotions agency, I feel I must once again draw your attention to another article in the current ‘Creation’ magazine. This article, “We are less than Dust” describes the actual relative distances involved in the atoms and molecules that actually are the material from which we are made. The distances are astronomical. We are more empty space than actual physical matter.
As Shakespeare’s Hamlet argues even the greatest of men, ‘Imperious Caesar’ and Alexander The Great ultimately return to ‘noble dust’ (Hamlet Act V: Scene II)
Adam, The First Man, was formed of ‘the dust of the ground’ (Genesis 2:7) and when He chose to disobey The Way of Life His Creator stated ‘For dust Thou art, and unto dust shalt Thou return’ (Genesis 3:19b).
Yet another reason to wonder at the genius of our Maker – instead of questioning His very existence. I know my readers will enjoy subscribing to this wonderfully faith-building, full-colour, advertising free, magazine, only $32 for four issues. www.creation.com
Gibber! Gibber!
The Empty-Headed Chimp
4 thoughts on “WE ARE LESS THAN DUST”
Dear Chugley, when I look under my bed, I see dust. Is someone hiding there????
Could be, I’d get your wife to check it out Milton! Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
The extention of the Genesis 2:7 reference adds that God “breathed into his (Man’s) nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.” I wonder how evolutionists explain where and how living things obtained “life” and “energy”?? Much easier to accept we received our “life” from the “Living” God!
I think in many cases it is human PRIDE that stops people accepting the TRUTH of Jesus Christ Paul. I keep on studying! Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
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