I am enjoying reading the book Evolutionists Say the Oddest Things edited by Lita Costner.
Nature magazine reported recently: Different radiometric dating methods don’t agree with each other:
To pin down the age of older rocks, geologists rely on radiometric dating, which tracks the radioactive decay of elements within a sample. But in the past decade it has become clear that the results from different techniques and different labs don’t agree.
JOHN WHITFIELD (Ph.D. in insect evolution, former science writer for Nature), Time lords, Nature 429:125, 2004
This monkey wonders who, in this day and age of so-called enlightenment, we should believe. I am relying on the One who was there at the beginning, and will remain, unchanged, at the end, the Rock of Ages.
As the famous preacher, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, once remarked: Not the system men call “science” to explain their curious ideas. (As abbreviated by me).
Gibber! Gibber!
The Inquiring into Rocks Chimp