I was pleased to receive this letter from Tony E, commenting on my post yesterday. It is hugely encouraging, for an apparently evolving Chimp, to receive such instructive and wise comment from my more senior readers.
Hi Chugley,
I am writing with some thoughts following your post yesterday
When D L Moody was conducting his meetings in Britain in the 1880’s in one of his sermons he asked , “What was the first question of God recorded in the Bible?”
Well, before considering that, the very first question deserves some thought.
It is the one recorded in Genesis Chapter 3. When the Serpent said, “Has God indeed said, you shall not eat of every tree of the Garden?” Or as the KJV says,”Yea, has God said”?
So firstly this question is at the background of every attack of Satan. “Has God said?” He throws doubt on every WORD of God. He still does so today.
The second question recorded is the one from God Himself to man. Also found in Genesis Chapter 3.
The Lord God called to Adam, “Where are you?”
Mankind today has no idea where they are outside
of God. They have no idea where they are, where they are going and
unfortunately where they will spend eternity.
Jesus has the answer, “I am the WAY, I am the
TRUTH, and I am the LIFE.” John 14:6. So if you want to know the answer to
God’s first question to Adam, then you will find it only in Christ!
Thank you very much Tony the human race does indeed look “uncertain of position” at this time. As John Newton wrote – “I once was lost, but now I’m found!”
Gibber! Gibber!
The re-positioning Chimp