My friends at Creation Ministries (Creation.com) sent out a timely reminder of the battle you, as humans, are engaged in. About 100 years on from the Scopes Trial. Are you related to me, or am I related to you? As an apparently “evolving” Chimp this is of extreme importance to me. After all, it could affect your eternal destination, and, if I am turning into one of you, mine also, I am still uncertain certain about whether I am my keeper’s brother?.
The link above takes you to the report of this landmark trial, which highlights how your world distanced itself from the truth of its creation and its creator…..
Gibber! Gibber!
The Truth Seeking Chimp

2 thoughts on “SCOPES MONKEY TRIAL”
Our western world’s traditional hold on Christian values was greatly challenged back in the 1920’s by clever, but ungodly men like Darrow.
As I read the article, it’s clear that the challenges to Christian belief and faith was becoming more widespread back then…and now secularism predominates. My experience with atheists today tells me that there are lots of them….and they are aggressively militant against what they call the “fairytale”, “delusion” and “myth” of having an “imaginary friend in the sky”.
How sad that their demand for “evidence of God” is all around them in His Creation!
“But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong” (1 Corinthians 1:27)
Thank you for this most thoughtful and insightful comment Paul. You can no doubt easily understand my dilemma, I seem to be caught in a sort of no-mans no-monkeys land, battling to make sense of it all. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
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