It is frustrating for an evolving monkey, such as I, to observe a lack of conviction among your leaders – particularly your Prime Minister. Scott Morrison said that he was probably going to move the Australian Embassy to Jerusalem, but it seems that it was a half-hearted, flag-flying exercise to woo more votes in Wentworth. It seems he is dithering also on Paris and on the question of borders and immigration.
In the jungle, where I was born, we respected each other’s territory. Indonesia should respect Australia’s right to determine where its embassies should be. Australia does not dictate Indonesia’s foreign policy.
Scott Morrison should heed the words of Sir Winston Churchill: “An Appeaser Is One Who Feeds a Crocodile, Hoping It Will Eat Him Last.”
Bonhomie is not sufficient to lead a nation.
Gibber! Gibber!
Your Simian Scribe
Fully agree Chugley! It seems so weak to be fawning to the whims of another country. Interesting that the USA moved their embassy regardless of what other countries thought.
But that is Trump for you, he trumps everyone! Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
Maybe, Chugley, you could be bananas enough to encourage our Prime Minister by sending him a copy of Churchill’s wisdom.
Yes, but I wonder would he read it? I think he has another symphony he is listening to, that is even more bananas. But many thanks for your suggestion. Gibber! and Thanks! Chugley
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