Harvard Prof. Blames Christianity’s ‘Malignant’ Belief in Afterlife for Lockdown Protests
Harvard psychology professor Steven Pinker said Thursday that the push for reopening society from lockdowns comes from Christianity’s “malignant delusion” of belief in an afterlife. Atheists who believe in this life alone are more concerned with health and safety, Professor Pinker suggested in a Tweet, while Christians tend to devalue “actual lives” and live a riskier existence. Belief in an afterlife is a malignant delusion, since it devalues actual lives and discourages action that would make them longer, safer, and happier. What’s really behind Republicans wanting a swift reopening? Evangelicals.
Pinker was responding to an article this week in the Washington Post, which examined findings that Democrats take the virus “more seriously” than Republicans and are more willing to support restrictive government edicts in response to the pandemic. In that article, contributing columnist Gary Abernathy declares that a “literal belief in eternal salvation — eternal life — helps explain the different reactions to life-threatening events like a coronavirus outbreak.” He states: Evangelicals take it to heart when James reminds them, ‘What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes,’ or when Paul writes, ‘I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us,’ or when Jesus asks, rhetorically, ‘Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?’ It should be no surprise that a person’s deepest beliefs about the world influence how they measure the risks they’re willing to take.
Thank you to Pastor Wayne Edwards from Georgia USA for sending this along.
Well you humans have really excelled your selves in the stupidity stakes haven’t you? Don’t trust psychologists – especially if they are pinkos from Harvard!
Gibber! Gibber!
Shrink Allergic Chimp
5 thoughts on “MALIGNANT BELIEF?”
The happenings on the telly today re mob vandelism in America confirms my belief that Christians praying for a life that follows Jesus seems to get things done in a gentler fashion.
Yes, I seem to remember reading that the heart is deceitful…. That seems to be the truth of the matter! Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
Atheists are at the forefront of pushing for unrestricted abortion and euthanasia, so they don’t really value human life at all, except of course their own lives (maybe they are concerned about being ushered into an afterlife that includes judgement by God?).
A very good point indeed! Thanks Don. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
As a believer, I sure do anticipate a glorious future, but that doesn’t mean I lead a carefree and risk-taking life in the here and now! That secular Psychologist only has to look at what Christians are doing to improve the lives of those less fortunate in the world to realise we take the blessing of “life” very seriously….for us, and others.
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