What a wonderful feeling of relief here in the Zoo, now that Scott Morrison is in charge of the country. There were scary rumours running around here. Not the least of them was that gender in the zoo was to be abolished! The Peacocks were particularly miffed at the thought of this move. Can you imagine their spectacular tails being ignored?
Then there was the possibility of a massive reduction in visitors, owing to them being forced to drive electric cars they can’t afford – and no electricity to charge them with, even if you can afford it. Then we were considering how it would be if the power went off, OK if you are an owl I suppose. Not to mention forced vegetarianism, most unpopular with the Lions.
I really don’t want to go back to my jungle in the Congo, nor do I want to join you crazy mob of humans, at least until you get your act together. I just thank God that status quo will be maintained, for now. at least.
Gibber! Gibber!
The Rejoicing Chimp
I share your joy Chugley! I watched Q and A last night with its usual litter of Lefties…and just one of my type…conservative Alan Jones. Watching the dynamics between them all, and hearing what they had to say, I was so glad that our nation was spared the dangerous path the Left would have led us on – dangerous economically (an open cheque to waste billions on the climate change “crisis”), and dangerous morally with the move to social engineering of an atheistic nature. Thank You Father, for providing us with a God-fearing man! May our nation be blessed through his leadership.
Well it is my Zoo that is my main concern, Mrs Chugley is also rejoicing with me. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
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