My friend and regular correspondent, Paul, is now in Hawaii with his lovely wife Lynne, no doubt dodging the volcano up there. He has responded to yesterday’s post “Vet Check” with the following comment:
“There is much genetic similarity between chimps and humans, so Chugley, you might well grow to look more like a human one day…but, I’m sorry to tell you that there is a huge gulf between “looking like” something else and “being” like something else in mind and spirit. We humans are so much more like our Creator in that we have the ability to think,
conceptualize, create, reason, and spiritually connect with Him. Sorry Chugley!”
Well, isn’t that telling me! I’m sure this doesn’t qualify for a politically Correct comment. I am just a simple Chimp trying to work out what is happening to me, imagine what it is like being me, sort of half evolved, and most of the time puzzled as to what might happen next. Maybe Paul is right, I’m never going to fully evolve after all. Makes you wonder whether Darwin was even half right! Back to my Bible study.
Gibber! Gibber!
The Questioning Chimp