I have a real monkey puzzle on my hands. Your Prime Minister is in a quandary about dual citizenship (a kind of double-dipping schizophrenia to my mind). This issue seems to be threatening his Government’s very existence.
He is trying to put the brakes on legislating on controversial issues while this main controversy rages – in itself a conundrum! (They always seem to avoid confronting the issue of how much ape is in their ancestry – surely a much more controversial issue!).
This effectively means that your Government cannot make any meaningful decisions until they decide who is eligible to be a part of your legislature. How crazy is this? (Or perhaps not so crazy!)
This is yet another excellent reason for me to stay, as per design, in my Chimp enclosure, cheerfully resisting “evolution”.
Gibber! Gibber!
P.S. Perhaps as a chimpanzee evolving into a human being, I could stand for election in this present dual citizen, double-dipping Parliament.