This is a very thorough discussion as to how the DNA in humans and Chimps compares. Click on play arrow above. (Running time: 12 minutes 33 seconds).
A big thank you to Creation Ministries International for sending this through. You will also enjoy their excellent full colour magazine, dealing, in a most professional and Biblically sound way, with the Creation/evolution debate. Subscribe here:
It is very interesting that the original scientist, Jon Ahlquist, who postulated there was a 99% similarity in the two DNAs in the 1970s, has since changed his theistic evolutionary beliefs, and become a believer in the Biblical explanation of Origins. Sadly, for us, we have just been told, Jon went to be with his Lord about two months ago. See his fascinating story here: https://creation.com/jon-ahlquist
It still leaves this monkey wondering “What happened to me?” Google’s explanation of “jumping genes” and “transposons” still has me baffled. I am not leaving the zoo anytime soon! I am still engrossed in my search for the TRUTH and will not give up. I will keep you posted!
Gibber! Gibber!
The “Seems-to-be-evolving” Chimp
4 thoughts on “AM I MY KEEPER’S BROTHER?”
Never let a few shonky statistics get in the way of a much clung to story.
I notice you humans rarely do that! Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
Whata relief that Christian geneticists are confident that the DNA similarities between apes and humans are now thought to be only about 70%. There are profound differences between an ape’s Y chromosome and a human Y chromosome. I respect you greatly Chugley, but you still have a long way to go to achieve complex structures in language…and you’re not as capable as humans in creativity…and your abstract reasoning skills are sadly missing altogether! Maybe us humans really are made more in the image of our Creator!
Keep working at it though. God still loves you as part of His creation!
It certainly made this Chimp sit up and take notice! Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
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