My evolving monkey
mind is gripped by where we come from, why we are here and where we are heading to. At this moment in time we are riding on this sphere called Earth. (Actually we only occupy the thin crust of this mighty orb, which varies in depth from 5-70 kilometres.) All of us hurtle through space at some 25,000 mph on this usually friendly planet. Reminds me of the show Star Trek with Captain Kirk and Mr Spock.
Currently the red hot, molten rock interior of this planet is getting restless and threatening to boil over in a couple of places with potentially catastrophic results; similar in power to roughly 40 nuclear bombs exploding. This hardly grabs the human attention right now, but this attitude may well change shortly for those near to these rapidly evolving events. These events may well soon involve a very “Big Bang”.
Many of you think life itself commenced with a “Big Bang”, and all this monkey information is very ho-hum. My studies lead me to think otherwise, I am prompted to read your old book that in Luke 21:28 urges mankind in graphic language:
“And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” Seems straightforward to me, I must make sure I have plenty of bananas before they get fried.
Gibber! Gibber!