As I consider the fragile state of the “free world” that you humans inhabit I wonder if you will ever wake up and re-ignite the Australian Spirit, and claim your country back from the PC wimps? Some of my older readers will remember well Roy Cazaly, who was born in South Melbourne in 1893. His portrait is in the heading picture. Cazaly could mark and turn in mid-air, land, and, in a few strides, send forward a long accurate drop-kick or stab-pass. The constant cry ‘Up there Cazaly’ was taken up by the crowds. It entered the Australian idiom, was used by infantrymen in North Africa in World War II, and became part of folk-lore.
This monkey wonders when such spirit evaporated from your culture? I look forward to the time when you will take your country back, and get “up there” again.
Gibber! Gibber!
Cazaly fan