My evolving from a Chimpanzee to a Human is greatly enhanced by reading the magazine The Spectator. This illustrious magazine, founded in England in July 1828, now has an Australian section (edited by Rowan Dean, of Outsiders fame). This week’s edition has a brilliantly humorous article by Neil Brown. Neil gives examples of typical statements by politicians, with a suggested translation. For example:
We have got the balance just about right. Translation: “It’s a complete mess, but if people are as stupid as we know they are, they will think this was well planned”.
It is a compromise, but I can live with it. Translation: “It is such a mess that it does not mean anything and it will not work, so it will probably be well received.”
My expenses were strictly within the guidelines. Translation: “It was a complete waste of time and money, but I had a good trip and spent too much, although it was only your money and we wrote the guidelines to make sure that our spending always comes within them.”
Having read these ( and there are many more,) I really think I am better off in my zoo – it’s a jungle out there! I do recommend a subscription, it will sharpen your thinking!
Gibber! Gibber!
The Increasingly Disillusioned Chimp

2 thoughts on “TODAY’S ‘NEWSPEAK’”
In our western culture, euphemistic language has usually been employed when communicating unpalatable or potentially offensive, direct thoughts. This is to avoid being confrontational or hurtful, which for most of us is against our nature. It’s not surprising then, that pollies are masters of this if they want to maintain a positive image. Being told to avoid “hate speech” and promote “PC speech” these days only makes for more insincere, even dishonest, communication.
The honest approach to our communication is clearly described by Jesus in Matthew 5:37 -“Whatever you have to say, let your ‘yes’ be a plain ‘yes’ and your ‘no’ a plain ‘no’—anything more than this has a taint of evil.”
Yes, that is true. It seems that George Orwell had a great gift for seeing the future course of mankind in his natural habitat! Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
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