- A Presbyterian church north of Atlanta that resumed services against state government medical advice had 200 members contract COVID-19. 12 died, including the associate pastor.
- In N.S.W. churches can be fined $50.000 if Department of Health Restrictions are not followed. No singing except for one leader!
- The death rate in Australia has been 1.5%. Australia’s success in keeping the death toll so low (102) has made many begin to question the whole shut down. ‘Look at Sweden’, they say; they have not shut down everything. Sweden still had recommendations about social distancing, size of gatherings, etc.). But if we had the same deaths (per capita) as Sweden, we would have had 12,000 deaths by now. And Sweden has not finished, or anywhere near it. They are still getting hundreds of new infections daily.
- In U.K. restrictions are easing. Non-essential services are open but washing of hands is mandatory. Any books touched and not bought have to be quarantined for 72 hours.
- Max and Marilyn sent a link to a highly qualified Dr Dolores Cahill talking about her research into viruses and her comments on Covid 19, the link is here:
I am thankful that I am a chimpanzee in an Australian zoo, and not a reindeer in Sweden or a squirrel in U.S.A. – or a bat in Wuhan!
Gibber! Gibber!
The Bewildered Chimp
2 thoughts on “THE WORLD AND THE VIRUS”
Dear Chugley, Be thankful that you are not a human any where in the world. They sure are a strange lot. You can’t hurt a coloured man, you can’t hurt a white man. Doesn’t leave much, does it ???
Yes, Milton. Wait until you see tomorrow’s post, featuring a straight talking America farmer. He should give you some hope at least! Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
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