The Mysterious Magnetism of Planet Earth
I have been enjoying Dr Henry Richter’s book, Spacecraft Earth. (See my Blog Post Review, July 1st this year, link below).
I just found this morning a gem of information towards the end on page 147. Dr Richter discovered that the magnetic field of the Earth is only at just the right strength for life to be protected during the time mankind has inhabited the planet – roughly 6,000 years.
This was one of the facts he discovered that helped to persuade him that:
- there is a Designer behind the universe
- the Bible is true History.
“Only the Earth, with sentient observers, has a magnetic ‘bubble’ just right to permit complex life,” writes the good Doctor.
That sure makes this monkey align his thinking with Dr. Richter’s! (I do wonder how Dr Richter was so blessed with such a clever intellect: I haven’t received such a download – yet – but I marvel at those who have!)
Gibber! Gibber!
Fellow-Traveller-on Spaceship-Earth
2 thoughts on “The Mysterious Magnetism of Planet Earth”
There is too much design, protection, efficacy and complexity in the Earth’s electro-magnetic forces to be “coincidence”! Again, it points to the “God of Wonders”.
I have to agree with you Paul! The more I study the more I cannot comprehend “evolution”. I’m staying put in my compound for now! Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
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