And now for something completely different. I have always admired the daring Dam Busters raid on the German water storage dams for the Ruhr industrial complex. Led by Wing Commander Guy Gibson DSO, DFC, the Royal Air Force’s 617 Squadron of Lancasters destroyed a great deal of the German war machine. They dropped the Barnes Wallace designed bouncing bombs, pressing home the attack with great courage and determination. Now the subject of a classic film. Click below for trailer:
Gibber! Gibber!
The Aviating Chimp
6 thoughts on “THE DAM BUSTERS MARCH”
Hi Chugley, thanks for the reminder. That was one of my favourite war movies as a young lad fascinated with science, engineering, war and mad keen on making WW2 model planes. Talk about thinking outside of the box, building bombs that could bounce over dam defences. Inspirational!
Thanks Greg. They have “re-mastered” the movie. I find that the more I study God’s miraculous Creation the bouncing bomb seems quite a small achievement? Nonetheless Barnes Wallace had an amazing mind, he even sorted out a problem of the Vickers VC 10 airliner which had some handling problems, he said “just alter the angle of thrust on the engines”. Vickers did, and that sorted it. The test pilot, Dizzy Addicott, dropped by the zoo in Londodn and I overheard him talking about it. Amazing what you hear in the zoo! Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
Yes I agree. Went to see this movie with my brother and my dad. Just a most awe inspiring true story. The men who carried out the raids were real heroes. I often wondered why it has never been remade with all the technical wizardry of today? But knowing modern films they would probably ruin it with swearing and other such rubbish. Amazing how Barnes – Wallace could use the unchangeable facts of physics, velocity and laws of nature, (think skipping stones), that remain the same regardless of what the Evolutionists think.
Indeed Tony. It makes me, as an apparently evolving monkey, wonder how people forget so quickly how much they owe to these men? Seems maybe the allotted courage quota has reduced? Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
Dear Chugley. May I present a completely different slant on ‘Dam Busters’. In an earlier life I was a farmer. On my property there was a very big gully, “Ah” says I, “A great spot for a dam” So engaged an earth moving bloke and he and his Cat. D8 quickly moved enough soil to put a wall across my gully. Very good, and this was going to be great. Eventually the dam filled to almost capacity, but unbeknown s to me, rabbits had made there home in the soft soil. Water started to seep, then began to rush through their holes and the wall collapsed. Dam busters of a different kind. But I do admire Barnes Wallace and the crew who made his Dam Buster work. Not as simple as mine !
I think I should have a special section for Milton the Mandrill’s comments! Seems as if our Almighty Creator thought of all things before he laid the foundations of the earth? he did not build rabbits in there, thus avoiding such problems. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
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