This weeks Israel Report encapsulates perfectly the parlous state of your human world. Matthew 24 is truly knocking at the door. Buckle up Readers! Get ready for your coming King. Many thanks to Mike for this excellent report. Subscription is free, details at the end.
Gibber! Gibber!
The Priests of BAAL…… 24 June 2022

Practically all the maladies to befall earth in the latter days revealed by Christ [Matthew 24] and elsewhere are now upon us in varying degrees.
Along with developments that are necessary for the Time of Jacob’s Trouble to commence. Pestilences, plagues, pandemics, child sacrifice, drought, floods, famine, earthquakes in diverse places, wars and rumours of war, nation rising against nation, and great spiritual apostasy are all present simultaneously. The world’s solution? Call a conclave of the world’s religions and unite to save the planet. So, on May 11th 2022 the leaders of global false religions joined with so-called Christians around a table in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia History was made as 90 leaders of five prominent religions came together at one table in the centre of two Muslim mosques. In attendance were 47 Muslim scholars, 24 Christian leaders, 12 Jewish Rabbis and 7 Buddhist and Hindu leaders – men and women – representing the various sects of their religions. It was hailed as a “magical moment that ensured the power of goodwill would forever change the future for the better!” The event’s announcement listed areas of agreement for religion, such as the fundamental role of religion in society and the spiritual basis for fundamental human rights. The Forum also proposed plans for an “Encyclopaedia of Common Human Values” – a religious document for worldwide cooperation that outlines basic rights and expectations for interfaith governance. It’s apparently a declaration of a “language of the heart” – “the most influential language that doesn’t need translating and is usable by everyone regardless of religion, race, colour or gender. It is dedicated to helping people see the world through commonalities, so people change with each other“. How leaders of the Christian church can be a part of this evil is staggering. Have they not read of a global anti-Christ religion being established during the short reign of that paragon of evil, that ‘man of sin’ during a time of great tribulation that will usher in the return of Christ? A time now visible on the prophetic horizon? With all the nations involved in the strategic events revealed in Biblical prophecy in their positions on the world stage – this event could well be the capstone that opens the curtains for the final act?
Are you ready? Israel Analysis……. 25 June 2022 Jim Fletcher [Excerpted]

“We’re going to elections!”This week news filtered-out about Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s [Left above] decision to pave the way for the country’s fifth election in three years, The Washington Institute hosted a fascinating Zoom call with the Institute’s David Makovsky and long-time diplomat Dennis Ross. Makovsky recapped Israel’s current political situation in the Knesset, while Ross filled in some gaps and offered personal insights into potential outcomes. Absent from the discussion, of course, was any mention of how religion or God plays into it. Still, for pro-Israel Christians, the experts’ opinions might be quite different if they considered what the Bible says about the land between the Sea and the River. Makovsky started things off by listing three of Bennett’s more notable achievements. Depending on one’s worldview, they can either be considered strengths or weaknesses. For example, as Makovsky said, Bennett (and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid, [Right above] who will now be the caretaker prime minister until the situation stabilizes) brought the most diverse coalition in Knesset history, cobbling together eight parties. [the only way to oust Netanyahu] The downside to this is it included an Islamist party headed by Mansour Abbas. The United Arab List, known by its Hebrew acronym Ra’am, brings into the government a body that requires Israelis to trust that it has the nation’s best interests at heart. I highly doubt that it does. Makovsky also said that Bennett brought “normalcy” back to the government, along with deepening ties with neighbouring Arab states. Ross later also gave Bennett props for “building on” what Benjamin Netanyahu and Trump had forged with the national suicide Abraham Accords. As for the elections scheduled for October, Makovsky predicted it will continue to be close (“World War I trench warfare, with no one able to land a knockout punch”) and that perhaps only 100,000 voters (out of a nation of nine million) will decide who gets to be prime minister. It was clear that Netanyahu’s shadow still looms large over the whole thing, and Ross for one seemed to give grudging respect to Netanyahu; the two have dealt with each other for a quarter-century, starting with the Clinton Administration. Ross contrasted Bennett’s style with that of Netanyahu’s (still Israel’s longest-serving PM), saying that the younger politician wanted to emphasize how differing parties could get along. Bennett feels that “We all agree on 70 percent” of the issues facing the country, so the remainder shouldn’t cause final divisions. Technically that is true, but I must say, Netanyahu—a true Zionist that learned his worldview seated around the family dining table with his father Ross seemed to subtly diss Netanyahu several times during his remarks. He said that though Netanyahu will still try to put together a coalition (while he also faces corruption trials), there is only a “10 percent chance” such efforts will pay off. He also was quick to offer his opinion that Netanyahu, in a campaign, will “promote fear” about the Arabs—something I think is spot-on in its realism! Arabs have been terrorizing Jews in the region for more than 100 years, and polls show a majority of [Arab] Palestinians still do not accept Israel’s legitimacy. This intransigence seems lost on Ross, who has made a career out of negotiations between the two parties. Ross believes that if Netanyahu marginalizes the Arabs in campaign rhetoric, it will backlash with higher Arab voter turnout. The conversation ended with Ross noting that no one should write-off Bennett politically. He cited Ariel Sharon’s fall from grace in the 1982 Lebanon War and its aftermath, and Netanyahu’s own drubbing against Ehud Barak in 1999. Both men of course reached new heights as prime minister years after those setbacks. All in all, the Institute’s mini-conference offered background and interesting personal insights. But the Lord will decide the so-called “final stats” issues between Israel and her neighbours. That diplomacy has been outlined in Zechariah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, and other prophetic books in the Bible!
Anti-Israel anti-Semitic Reverend appointed head of World Council of Churches……… 25 June 2022

Reverend Professor Dr. Jerry Pillay, [pictured above] a South African Uniting Presbyterian Church member, has been elected as the next general secretary of the World Council of Churches (WCC). His term will begin in 2023. Pillay has compared Zionism to apartheid in his native South Africa and called on fellow Christians to “resist the empirical ambition of Israeli Jews,” according to a Jewish News report. In 2016, Pillay perpetuated a vile antiSemitic trope by criticizing the “exclusionary and violent character of the Israeli Zionist project,” adding that the state was created via a conspiratorial “Jewish leadership” collaborating with European colonialists. He also expressed support for the BDS movement against Israel, writing that “Jewish leadership” helped “influence European nationalism and colonization” with “a common desire to establish the State of Israel … on the land of Palestine Pillay told anti-Israel activists from the Presbyterian Church USA that, “For the sake of just peace we may have to support boycott, divestment and sanctions.” Pillay accused Israel of wrongfully acting against “the indigenous people of the land” under “the guise of ‘national security’ or ‘national interest.’ ” He also asked Christians to “resist the empirical ambition of Israeli Jews.” Despite being a member of the Christian clergy, Pillay rejected the Biblical and historical connection between the Jews and the land of Israel, accusing the Jewish “settlers” of abusing the “the indigenous people of the land.” The WCC is to be resisted at all costs by Bible believing Christians of all stripes? A distracted Vladimir Putin is on the verge of a new crisis in Syria, … June 24, 2022
The war in Ukraine has forced Russia to reduce its military presence in areas that could soon face a Turkish offensive,

Officials, including members of the opposition Syrian National Army (SNA), said Moscow had withdrawn from several areas in north-western Syria near the Turkish border, including Tal Rifaat, [Arpad biblically – the prophet Jeremiah 49:23 says that Hamah and Tell Rifaat will hear evil tidings and then Damascus will be destroyed.] where Ankara said it would carry out a military operation to fight the United States. who supported the Syrian Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG), which Turkeyconsiders a terrorist group. The SNA, a coalition of rebel groups backed by Turkey, would participate in the possible operation, according to Yusuf Hammoud, an officer and former spokesman for the SNA. Hammoud, who is based in northwest Afrin, Syria, said Russia had reduced its presence in areas around Aleppo and Tal Rifaat. This will make it easier for Turkey to win this war, Hammoud suggested. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said his country would conduct this military operation in the north-western towns near the Turkish border to create a safe zone where 1 million Syrian refugees could return. Many Biblical scholars believe that it is Turkey who will destroy Damascus and not Israel as many traditions teach.
World Economic Forum to “Freeze” Bank Accounts of Meat Eaters… 25 June 2022

The World Economic Forum is pushing for a credit card that “cuts off“” users who overspend their ‘Carbon Credits’. Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum is pushing a credit card that will track your carbon consumption and cut you off when you have “used up all your carbon credits.” Doconomy [pictured above] is a credit card endorsed by the fascists at the World Economic Forum that tracks the “environmental impact” of everything you buy (including food) and refuses to let you purchase items when you are deemed to be a net polluter. Try acclimatising yourself to eating Crickets and other yummy assorted insects. An enormous factory has been built in Canada to produce the product. What about your ESG Score? [“environmental, social, and governance factors,”] it is a concept that has already crept throughout the United States largely unnoticed. A company called ESG The Report has detailed all the ways that your ESG score is calculated. Here is what they have to say:
Global Digital ID with Real-Time Tracking Soon to Come…… 25 June 2022

The World Economic Forum’s obsession with not only merely digitization but digitalization as a means of tracking and control is manifest in yet another document that has come out of the group. This time, the WEF is joined by the World Trade Organization (WTO) in drafting their thoughts on what the future of trade, but also, when all’s said and done – humanity – should look like. The joint report, The Promise of TradeTech: Policy Approaches to Harness Trade Digitalization, out in April, and addresses end-to-end trade digitization to include a digital ID certification framework that would, needless to say, be global – and apply to physical and digital objects, but also, people, i.e., natural persons. In the works in Australia is an abomination titled “Trusted Digital ID” which will soon be passed into law -at which stage our privacy will have disappeared.
Roe v Wade overturned….

25 June 2022 Armstrong Economics [excerpted]Roe v Wade is correctly overruled not because abortion itself for the court did not overrule that superficially, but instead, it held that:…. “The Constitution does not confer a right to abortion; Roe and Casey are overruled; and the authority to regulate abortion is returned to the people and their elected representatives.” The entire decision rested on a right to privacy which was created in Griswold v Connecticut whereby they tried to outlaw contraceptives. The question turned on the inability of the state to enforce such a law because it would have required a state official to observe a sexual act and that you complied with not using a condom. It was a real stretch to extend that right to abortion. The defence of Roe v Wade is actually hypocritical for the Democrats. The main support comes from Gates and Rockefeller Foundations and it is covertly supported by the United Nations. This is all about the Planned Parenthood agenda to provide abortions to minorities to reduce their population. It was not simply a woman’s rights agenda. That was the cover story to hide the real agenda which has always existed – eugenics and to reduce the population of the minorities. There is NOTHING in the Constitution that guarantees any right to an abortion. This is a MAJOR victory because it is striking down the entire program of Planned Parenthood. Gates’s father was the head of PP and the offices were strategically placed in poor, minority regions, for the very purpose of promoting abortions to reduce the population. It is hard to comprehend how some women became brainwashed into thinking they had some Constitutional right to abort a child whenever they felt like it which was a clever sales job of Gates and the Rockefeller Foundation. This is like Klaus Schwab now saying you will own nothing and be happy pretending again this is all for you when in fact it is to hide the agenda of the government defaulting on their debts. Gates and the Rockefeller Foundation convinced women it was their RIGHT to abort a child and how dare anyone say otherwise – so go ahead and assert your womanhood! Great mind game to say the least.
Francis meets group of ‘Transgender’ individuals in Papal audience…. 25 June 2022

‘We felt welcomed’: Francis personally meets group of ‘transgender’ individuals in papal audience. Pope Francis reportedly welcomed a 43-year-old man who now lives as a woman, apparently sending an ‘important message’.. VATICAN CITY; Pope Francis met with a group of “transgender” individuals Wednesday, with one of the group – a man who now lives as a woman – claiming the Pope told him to “always be myself.” At the end of his General Audience June 22, Pope Francis met with a group of six transgender people, who were accompanied by an LGBTQ+P-promoting priest, a nun, and the mother of a transgender boy. One of the group, Alessia Nobile – a 43-year-old man who now lives as a woman – said that “it was exciting. We felt welcomed.” Nobile presented himself to Pope Francis “as a transgender girl,” but said that Francis replied “he didn’t care who I was, that we have one Father, as if he wanted to tell me ‘You are a sister’.” Nobile also gave the Pope a copy of his autobiography, called “La bambina invisibile,” which details his transgender thoughts and desires while growing up. Pope Francis reportedly told Nobile, “You did well to write your story. Bravo!” Nobile added that Francis told him to “always be myself, but not to be wrapped up in prejudice against the Church.” The 43-year-old has a degree in social sciences, but currently earns his living as a “sex worker.” He praised Francis’ welcome for the transgender group, saying that the meeting with the Pope sent “an important message”: It surely does!!
World News Briefing – with Tom Hughes and Jeff Kinley – 23 June 2022

Israel Report
Editor; Mike
“None of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand”. [Daniel 12;10]
2 thoughts on “SITUATION UPDATE”
Interestingly enough, in Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum’s latest quarterly magazine, the top article was about the “catching away” of the bride of Christ.
Seems to me we’re very close. Come Lord Jesus!
It seems it is top of many people’s “about to happen” list! Hope someone looks after my zoo Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
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