Shortly before he died in 1977, Dr Wernher von Braun, “Father” of rocketry and space travel science in America, (he developed the Jupiter-C that launched Explorer, pictured above) also see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Br4rPGdFXR4 made the following statement:
“If there is a mind behind the immense complexities of the multitude of phenomena which man, through the tools of science, can now observe, then it it is that of a Being tremendous in His power and wisdom. But we should not be dismayed by the relative insignificance of our own planet in the vast universe as modern science now sees it. In fact God deliberately reduced Himself to the stature of humanity in order to visit the earth in person, because the cumulative effect over the centuries of millions of individuals choosing to please themselves rather than God had infected the whole planet. When God became a man Himself, the experience proved to be nothing short of pure agony. In man’s time-honoured fashion, they would unleash the whole arsenal of weapons against Him: misrepresentation, slander, and accusation of treason. The stage was set for a situation without parallel in the history of the earth. God would visit His creatures and they would nail Him to the cross!”
This gem was also in Dr Richter’s book Spacecraft Earth, page 161. Dr von Braun came to a point, like Dr Richter, when “religiosity” and success did not satisfy his deepest longing to know God and understand His purposes. After a friend shared the good news with him, and he accepted Christ, he became overwhelmed with gratitude for the love of God.
Gibber! Gibber!
The Rocket-Loving-Chimpanzee