Thank you, Paul and Tony, for sending this compellingly presented data concerning the growth of religion from 1946 until 2019. (As a jungle-born chimpanzee, I especially appreciated the drumming which accompanies the video graphic.)
It would appear that John Lennon’s vision of a world without ‘religion’ has not yet been fulfilled. (Perhaps it is coming with the rise of atheistic socialism!)
The fundamental question regarding the growth/decline of the above religions is:
Which one is true?
Which religion illuminates most clearly the words of The One who stated:
“I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no man cometh unto the Father but by Me” (John 14:6)
Gibber! Gibber!
The Chimpanzee who endeavours to be ‘valiant for Truth’ (Jeremiah 9:3b).
2 thoughts on “QUO VADIS THE WORLD?”
It would be most interesting to hear why Sunni Islam had explosive growth spurts at various times during the mid to late 20th century. Whatever the reasons are, it is clearly apparent that Islam is now numerically large enough to “take on” other major religions/ faiths. Islam is the one religion that will look for opportunities to divide and conquer. For the Christian faith, we need to be aware that our faith will come more under attack…if not literally (just yet!)…then existentially via alternative secular worldviews, including Islam. If ever there is a time for Christians to “have our lamps trimmed”(Matthew 25:7), it is now!!
I can see exactly what you mean Paul. My own studies, as an apparently evolving Chimp, lead me to think that Islam is a political and spiritual challenge to Christianity, that many of you do not take seriously. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
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