This out pouring of spite from the 80 year-old Pelosi, first woman speaker of the United States House of Representatives, and her petulant ripping up of Donald Trump’s State of The Union speech, caused me to reflect.
Is it it not the same spirit that afflicts your human atheists when they try to attack Bible believers? In the absence of being able to bring coherent points of view to the table, and debate the issues in a sane manner, they resort to slanderous and unsupported cries of “bigot”, “homophobe”, “liar” and such like insults, to attack those people who disagree with them. They act like spoilt toddlers.
I remember a motivational speaker called Earl Nightingale, ironically an American, who taught lucidly in the 1960’s about such things. Pelosi could learn much from him. You may access a sample here:
Earl, who died in 1989, had a saying: “Don’t go down to their level, pity them, for that is what they deserve”. Sounds good advice to me, but I’ll remain in my zoo, especially as now we have water in abundance, thanks to Almighty God.
Gibber! Gibber!
Trump Supporter
She made a point that shows on her very unhappy face.
Yes, unbridled rage? Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
One of her biggest problems is the same as that of the failing salesman.
Believing one’s own bulldust!
Similar as the atheist.
Simples! Indeed Sydneysider. She may be prosecuted for her behaviour in ripping up Trump’s speech, destruction of Government property, here’s hoping! Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
I don’t recall ever seeing such a display of petty childishness in politics as when Pelosi tore up Trump’s message so deliberately…wanting all to see.
Usually, even though pollies are inwardly antagonistic towards each other, to maintain a respectable demeanour they outwardly behave in quite a controlled and rational manner, avoiding too much emotion. After all, pollies are our ultimate decision and policy makers…we public don’t like to think our pollies are emotional creatures….more rational and intellectual.
Having said that, for Pelosi to have behaved like that suggests her inner rage against Trump was bubbling quite close to the surface….almost uncontrollable. Not a good look for her professional credibility!
There is talk of her being prosecuted for this, and quite right too. She has also allegedly amassed a 100 million dollar for tune since she became speaker. I wonder if that is true? Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
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