The zoo was buzzing with excitement to hear Rowan Dean announce last evening that ‘The Outsiders’ show, which he hosts with Ross Cameron, would now run an extra edition on Monday evenings, in addition to Sunday and Thursday. It is immensely helpful for an aspiring evolving monkey, like me, to have such a thoughtful and intelligent show to study the human condition.
What an inspiration to hear Helen Dale last evening! She was a most engaging and informative guest on the subject of social media and the mob – even though her many name changes are a little confusing for we animals at the zoo – Dale, Darville, and Demidenko! We wish her success with her latest novels. “The Kingdom of the Wicked” sounds intriguing.
Subjects also covered were:
- The potential switching of Australia Day to May 9th. How could any true Australian want to commemorate the date that Sir Donald Bradman scored no runs? (‘Lefty Treachery’ – not ‘Lunacy’!)
- Constitutional Monarchy. It has taken almost one thousand years to develop the English Monarchy. (Why re-invent the wheel?) Philip Benwell and the two young monarchists were magnificent.
Gibber! Gibber!
ChAgley? – ChEgley? – ChIgley? – ChOgley? – CHUGLEY!
The Aspiring Author, Chugley, The Thinking Chimp
A vowel sequencing chimp.
Chugley, how you are learning the English language.
Well done!
Thanks, I just wish I could grasp the theory of evolution as clearly, it seems to be an ever rolling fog in my monkey brain! Gibber! Gibber! Cgugley
I’m not surprised it’s the Victorian Labor government currently debating the possible change of Australia Day to 9th May. They want to hijack that date for themselves as it commemorates the first sitting of the Federal Parliament in 1901, which first sat in….Melbourne!
Very interesting point Paul. Isn’t the whole thing a puerile waste of time while our electricity prices go haywire? How utterly stupid can these humans get? Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
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