I was excited to see Rowan Dean and Ross Cameron give Deb Frecklington, leader of the LNP opposition in Queensland, a big serve for succumbing to what I (and they) would call Lefty Lunacy. The State of Queensland benefits to the tune of over a billion dollars in revenue from annual coal sales. Deb Frecklington is going to take Queensland “green” and create a “future without coal”. The Good Lord must be wondering how people can be so stupid, after he made them so coal rich after Noah’s Flood. As Rowan and Ross said, “We must support REASON rather than DOGMA.” Deb could single-handedly lose the Turnbull Government the next election over this one issue: this is just Labour/Greens lite. Will banana benders twig this fact or just go bonkers bananas?
And to think much of my banana supply comes from Queensland. It is a big worry for an evolving Chimp!
Gibber! Gibber!
The Outsider Chimp
No wonder many conservatives are now seriously considering other parties that better reflect conservative values, and good old-fashioned common sense!
So true Paul! This monkey thinks Cory Bernardi and his Australian Conservative Party better reflects such values. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
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