Thanks again to my reader Gerry for bringing some of these facts to my notice. Prophecy News Watch also has some concerning comments about the human condition this week, such as:
USA In moral freefall as everybody does what seems right in their own eyes
“In those days Israel had no king; all the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes”. Judges 21:25
“The consequences of rejecting God’s truth are undeniable. We know that what we believe dictates how we behave. Today, we are seeing the moral breakdown permeating the culture around us, and it is playing out with devastating consequences in our culture”.
This was the conclusion of Len Munsil, President of the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University who conducted a new poll in association with the Barna Group. The poll revealed 58 percent of respondents said they look to themselves or other people when making moral decisions. Less than one third said that they look to the Bible.
The Center surveyed 2,000 adults at random in January, long before the impact of the Coronavirus and rioting across the country. The American Worldview Inventory study, interviewed all ages, ethnicities, beliefs and political persuasions on the telephone or online.
A total of 58 percent of U.S. adults agreed that “identifying moral truth is up to each individual; there are no moral absolutes that apply to everyone, all the time,” according to the survey.
Sadly, 48 percent of adults who identified as born-again Christians agreed with the statement.
The Cultural Research Center also found that the type of church the person attends often corresponded with their answer.
“The adults most likely to rely upon a religious resource — usually the Bible — were those aligned with either an evangelical church (58%) or Pentecostal church (62%),” the report states. “People associated with a mainline Protestant congregation were most likely to rely upon themselves for moral wisdom (34%). Catholics were most likely to turn to other people (34%).”
Evangelical church attendees (72 percent), Pentecostal church attendees (70 percent) and born-again Christians (69 percent) were among the most likely to say God is the basis of truth.
Political conservatives were also most likely to rely upon the Bible (40%), while moderates (17%) and liberals (11%) were least likely, instead relying on their own feelings, beliefs, and knowledge for moral direction.
This monkey studies the Bible daily, and considers its advice is utterly accurate as to why you are in such a mess. The Bible is completely clear about moral absolutes. Why do so many of you find this is a difficult concept?
At the end of another week of world chaos I thank God I am in my zoo and not out there subject to such wicked philosophies.
Gibber! Gibber!
The Troubled Chimp
4 thoughts on “NO ABSOLUTES?”
God’s Word (Bible) is a “lamp unto my feet…for doing what’s right today…and a light unto my path…for walking in God’s ways into the future” (Psalm 119:105).
You’re right Chugley…God’s Word gives us our moral absolutes…good and right for every one of us!
Amy Grant sang along these lines some years ago. Here’s the link to enjoy:-
I think it is the Bible that is right, I am just studying it and hoping you humans will take it more seriously. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
Dear Chugley. Again I have to agree with the above. I heard a true story some time ago. It concerned a husband and wife, the wife had a suggestion for her husband. it was against what she knew was right,but it felt good. She badgered her husband a bit and he gave in too, and they went ahead. But they got found out, and got tipped out of the most amazing garden ever, and have had to battle life ever since. Thanks a heap, Adam and Eve. The moral of this story, ” Trust in God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do and every where you go. He’s the one who will keep you on track”. Proverbs 3: 5 The message.
What a wise old Mandrill you are Milton. I hope other humans will avoid life making a monkey out of them. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
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