What a monkey puzzling week! Trying to fathom the human mind is a real challenge to a Chimpanzee at my evolutionary stage.
Take this squabbling about a simple plebiscite! What is the problem? Can’t the Australian public be trusted? If the government cannot keep a promise perhaps it cannot be trusted and it will be ushered to the exit of the parliamentary cage.
Then we have the ongoing issue of so-called “climate change”and the fudging of the temperature figures. So meteorologists also cannot be trusted!
Add to this the awful spiralling of electricity prices because you won’t use your God-given coal to power your generators. This really concerns me, however, I do have my fur coat for winter – at least at this evolutionary stage. I shudder to think what my descendants might do as they become less and less hirsute!
And then towards the end of the week the expose of the “Safe Schools” programme! I’m really glad I missed out on that mind-bending gender-bending schooling. Quite beyond my comprehension! So teachers cannot be trusted also! (It seems to have taken a housewife with some monkey-sense to expose this deviant plot. These housewives are adept at exposing terminological inexactitudes like ‘Safe Schools’ and ‘Halal Certification’!)
I shall light up another cigar and continue my pondering on the week’s follies.
Gibber, gibber,