As a thinking Chimp I like to inspire my readers to engage in constructive thinking. Try this for starters:
If you could travel at the speed of light, you would go 300,000 kilometres in one second. This means that in one second you would circle the earth seven times, pass the moon in two seconds and Mars in four minutes…However it would still take you 100,000 years to cross the Milky Way and the next closest galaxy would appear to you in a mere two million years. Perspective is so important to my monkey mind. If you also apply Dr Einstein’s theory of relativity it will also play havoc with your birthdays as they flash by. Not much time for candle blowing on your zillions of birthday cakes!
It makes me wary of pontificating humans, of whatever persuasion, who try to convince us occupants of this pleasant planet earth that they have the answers for everything.
Indeed it is enough to make one a gibbering wreck….
3 thoughts on “LIGHTEN UP!”
A few mind stretching ideas here Chugley – thanks!
Dear a radical and thoughtful perspective from your position in the forest! You are thinking well!
Thanks David, your intelligent and considered comment makes all the study in my cage worthwhile! Please keep it up. Friendly gibbers, Chugley
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