I saw this headline “In Joe We Trust” on a Daily Telegraph carried by one of the zoo’s visitors yesterday. My reaction was – really? He looks like a masked bandit to me. I don’t waste my time with the Mainstream media these days, it is just promoting a party line with which they have become infected. Truth has gone out of the window folks.
Be sure to check out my current news section, up again, thanks to keeper Sarge.
Welcome to the new world of cyber warfare and marxist propaganda, enjoy the rest of your lives! I watched President Trump’s last speech and include a link for you above below the picture. Of course the MSM ignored this, but you may care to file it away. You will have to look for the sound key bottom right and click away the X to access sound. With all the “de-platforming” going on it is getting harder to access these events! Deary me, what have you done to a perfectly pleasant world?
Gibber! Gibber!
Bemused Chimp