One of my valued readers has pointed out the fact that we Chimps are still around is not a really good argument exposing the evolution fantasy. There are much better facts to highlight.
For instance, the world-wide genetic evidence in humans is consistent with the Bible’s history, that we are all descendants of Noah’s family, beginning some 4,500 years ago, not apes. There is a wonderful article covering much more by my friend Dr. Don Batten at:
It makes me wonder, seriously, if I am a one-off freak myself, not part of an ongoing evolutionary system. None of my relations seem to be getting any non-chimp DNA or Gene downloads. Gibber! Gibber!
Chugley the Dunce
2 thoughts on “I STAND CORRECTED!”
Thanks for Dr Batten’s excellent article, Chugley! I’d never heard of the persuasive Haldane’s Dilemma, in which there simply isn’t enough time for the huge number of genetic changes to take place to substantially alter species, as evolutionists would like to have happen!
What with moral and physical decay/ genetic corruption and death that is so obviously part of “life”, the progressive improvement that evolutionists require to happen is simply contrary to what happens in real life!
Thanks, I never thought that sharing my exploration of the minefield of evolutionary beliefs would so intrigue others. I think your human education must be sadly lacking in teaching the TRUTH. Maybe these conspiracy theories I read about have some substance after all? Gibber! Gibber!
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