Welcome to a new writer, Bud Hancock introduced by Kelleigh Nelson, whom I thank. Bud’s article is most timely for Australia, as well as for America. Many of our “churches” have now become purveyors of Government policy, rather than mouthpieces for Jesus Christ. Many now insist on the tyrannical symbols of our current medical dictatorship without uttering a whimper. Think about it!
Gibber! Gibber!
God or Government: Who Do You Trust?
By Bud Hancock guest writer
Should a Believer Trust The Government?
I find it curious that so many ‘religious people’ still believe, and place their trust in, the fallacy that governments are going to make things better for them and their families.
Ronald Reagan once said: “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help’”. That old saw has made the rounds many times and still gets a few laughs, but the premise behind it is not laughable. There are literally thousands of recorded instances of people who relied on the government to help them in certain situations and they were, for the most part, greatly disappointed. That so many ‘non-believers’ have bought into the satanic deception that governments can be trusted is not surprising, but a large number of those who claim to be followers of Jesus Christ are also among those who place a great amount of trust in government.
A large number of seriously deluded Americans, both Christians and non-Christians, have the idea that “Uncle Sam”, as the US government has long been called, is a beneficent ‘rich uncle’ who needs only to be asked and he will give you whatever you need. However, one must examine that idea carefully to avoid being further deceived by such nonsense.
( The same situation is evident in Australia – Chugley)
To begin with, the US government manufactures no goods or products, it produces absolutely nothing tangible, and therefore has no inherent monetary wealth with which to be ‘beneficent’ to anyone. In order for the government to function at any level, it must tax its citizens to get the revenue it uses to exist and function. It has been thus with all governments since at least the time of Jesus. When questioned by the Pharisees whether it was lawful to give tribute (taxes) to Caesar, Jesus asked for a coin that was used to pay the tax, and having verified that the inscription on the coin was that of Caesar, He told His disciples and the evil Pharisees to “render to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God, what is God’s” (Mark 12:17)
I am not, and would not, advocate that any American citizen, especially those who are believers, refuse to pay the taxes levied by any ‘legitimate government’. Jesus Himself told His disciples to pay the tribute levied by the Roman government. Failure to do so would be illegal and unwise. But, though we are to “pay Caesar” (the government) what is owed to them, we do NOT owe them our trust, or our worship.

Did the Founders Trust The Government?
Abraham Lincoln called the United States, “government of the people, by the people, for the people”, and that may have been true when the government was originally formed; at least that’s what was promised to all the citizens of the new country. However, it was not very long until the words of several of the Founding Fathers rang true. The Founders may have trusted the idea of a republican form of government, but, with a strong belief in God, and an understanding of human nature, they seemed to have serious doubts about those who administer the government.
For example, Benjamin Franklin injected this note of prophetic insight after writing much of the US Constitution: “I agree to this Constitution … and I believe, further, that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government, being incapable of any other”. Samuel Adams said: “If ever time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.”
These are just a few of the comments made by early American leaders who feared that corruption would turn the ‘grand experiment’ of what should have been a beautiful republic, into a corrupt and despotic democracy. A large majority of our Founders were God-fearing men who knew that, unless the government remained solidly based on the Judeo-Christian values upon which it was founded, it would soon turn from ‘republicanism’ into a democracy. The Founding Fathers were, first and foremost, landowners who grew crops, ran businesses and engaged in profitable commerce. They were NOT politicians. They understood the difference between a republic and a democracy and desired to establish a true republic. For a while, their attempts produced a wonderful government experiment that became a real republic.
Unfortunately, we are now living in a country that only faintly resembles the original republic. Having degenerated into a corrupt, and sometimes chaotic democracy, our nation’s government has been tainted by evil and greed, and an unchecked hunger for power and control, the very definition of being ‘political.
If you actually know the meaning of ‘politics’, this comes as no great surprise.
Per Dictionary.com, this is the definition of ‘politics’: “the use of intrigue* or strategy** in obtaining any position of power^ or control^^, as in business, university, etc.”.
*The definition of ‘intrigue’ is: “the use of underhanded machinations or deceitful stratagems”.
**Strategy is defined as: a plan, method, or series of maneuvers or stratagems for obtaining a specific goal or result”. The words ‘power’ and ‘control’ should need no definition. The desire for power, especially when fulfilled, usually leads to a hunger for more power. John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton, first Baron Acton (1834–1902) famously said: “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely”. We are now seeing and living in a nation that is the result of corruption based on greed for power and money, in other words, a nation whose government cannot be trusted, period.
I contend that of all the names, or entities, a person can place his or her trust in, the United States government is certainly NOT one of them.

Accepting the Lie
Anyone truly interested in knowing what is happening in almost every segment of our society is easily able to educate himself/herself with available data on the level of corruption now rampant in the US government. Those who claim otherwise are merely allowing themselves to be deceived into believing a lie, or they are a part of the corruption and are therefore complicit in the continuing deception of the American people.
Based on comments made by many college students interviewed on various campuses across America, the vast majority of them seem to have no problem with what is happening to our former republic and have seemingly bought the lie that ‘socialism is a good thing’. They seem to be in favor of implementing a system that will turn our nation into a third world socialist toilet, as it has in every place it has been tried. The evil system of socialism itself is based on a lie, as is the claim that socialism is, was, or ever could be a sound system of government.
What is that lie? That everyone should rely on government to provide for their every need from cradle to grave, and that government can actually be trusted to follow through on the promise to provide those needs. Current promoters of socialism claim that previous attempts to make socialism succeed were ‘not done right’; they insist that when socialism is allowed to grow and flourish, everyone will be better off because the ‘wealth’ will be distributed ‘more evenly’ throughout society.
Personally, I have worked hard all my life and have been greatly blessed by God with a strong work ethic and blessed by Him in all my endeavors. I learned at an early age to accept that we live in a cursed world and that the curse pronounced on Adam, and through him, on the earth, has not yet been lifted. As a result, I have been very successful in most of my endeavors, thanks to God. The very idea that someone in a government should have the right, or authority, to determine what happens to my assets is totally abhorrent to me.
Wealth redistribution is, and long has been, well-established in our government and is a regular occurrence in the US Congress whereby those who are supposed to be working for the betterment of all their constituents, are instead working on ways to enrich themselves at taxpayer expense. Nearly all the representatives in both the US House and the US Senate leave Congress much, much wealthier than when they entered it. Those who so easily and eagerly accept the ‘socialism lie’ fail to understand that the socialists’ plan for wealth redistribution requires that only a certain, small number of people, especially those who feel that, due to what they perceive as their higher ‘level of intelligence’ than all the rest of the lower class of people, will decide how all wealth is distributed. Because they have accepted the socialists lie, they still display some level of trust in those corrupt people who have been elected to political offices in Congress, or the Presidency.
In 1837, President Andrew Jackson said, “I weep for the liberty of my country when I see at this early day of its successful experiment that corruption has been imputed to many members of the House of Representatives, and the rights of the people have been bartered for promises of office.” Old Hickory would be horrified if he could see the extent of corruption that is now so much a part of our American political system today.

The members of Congress alluded to by President Jackson, as well as the majority of those who have served there since Jackson’s day, were, and still are, greatly enriched by the ‘backroom’ deals they make, lobbying each other, and FOR each other, to get money from the treasury allocated to their pet special projects, some of which money, amazingly, seems to find its way into their own pockets. The same corrupt congressional reps are privy to insider trading information and, even though it is illegal, when such information is used, it permits them to become extremely wealthy. Where did the excessive wealth of congressional veterans originate? To some extent, it came from the very treasury they were elected to oversee and safeguard.
This information is public knowledge and is available for anyone who wants to dig for it. In spite of the availability of the info proving the corruption of government and its officials, many people still have some confidence in those to whom has been entrusted the oversight of the national treasury. Even worse, with all the corruption that CAN easily be seen through simple research, much more is hidden from our sight.
The Deception of Human Government
While some believers may be deceived into accepting the lie of the world and its governments, the lie that tries to convince us that our trust can, and should, be placed in that government’s benevolence and its ability to care for all its citizen’s needs, others are now seeing the error in that acceptance. The statement, “Government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take everything you have”, should be remembered and memorized by every believer. Though the identification of the author of it is unverified, this famous statement has been made by many throughout the years; personally, I remember Barry Goldwater saying this in his campaign for President back in 1964. Regardless of who originally said it, it still rings true today. It is very easy to make promises, especially during the emotionally charged setting of a presidential campaign. Following through on such promises is usually a much more difficult matter. Harry Browne famously stated: “For those looking for security, be forewarned, there is nothing more insecure than a political promise”. It must be remembered that, since government is not a producer/seller of goods, all the money it promises to one group of people must be taken from a different group of people: “Hello, wealth redistribution! Hello, Socialism! Goodbye freedom and prosperity!”
The thought of receiving something that one has neither inherited nor earned, something that can be had with little to no effort on the part of the recipient, is a temptation too strong for most people to resist, and they eagerly buy into the fallacy that ‘they have a right to it’ when in fact, no one has the right to anything that was not earned by ‘the sweat of thy face”, based on the curse pronounced by God on Adam, and thus on the entire human race, in Genesis 3:18. The lure of things easily obtained thorough a promise made by a politician, if accepted by the recipient, is a destroyer of motivation, a work-ethic killer that has robbed millions of Americans of the joy of working, sometimes very hard, to obtain that which is needed for life and fulfillment. Those who mistakenly believe that they can have all their ‘things’ simply by putting their trust in human government, will find themselves disappointed, disillusioned and usually desperate at some point in their lives. Misplaced trust can lead to a state of complete confusion and a lost ability to trust anything or anyone again.
Rahm Emmanuel, a member of the administration of former president Barack Obama once said: “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” In this time of ‘crisis’, supposedly brought on by a deadly virus that has swept across the world, it is once again apparent that government wants to establish itself as the saviour of man. Due to the virus, our entire economy has been affected, with many businesses shut down and people told to ‘stay home’. While these unconstitutional lockdown orders have already destroyed many small businesses, with many others uncertain if they will reopen when ‘the crisis’ is over, government has stepped in with their offer of a ‘stimulus’, basically a government-funded handout to ‘help people’. Meanwhile our debt-ridden nation has seen another 2+ trillion dollars added to an already unpayable debt.

I research every major national event, especially the crises we face, to try to get the real facts about them, not just what the experts and government leaders tell us. Now that this crisis has been going on for several months, and after the American public has been spoon-fed many ‘so-called facts’ that have since been proven to be lies, it is time for all of us to ask: “Just what is the truth of this event, and what has actually happened?”
Medical Event or Political Event?
I am certainty not a medical doctor, so I have no factual evidence of the deadliness, or lack thereof, of this virus, but I have enough common sense to know that this event appears to be a carefully planned attempt to see how far the American people can be pushed to obey unconstitutional orders. It was pushed to us all using fear as the basis, telling us that hundreds of thousands of us, possibly millions of us, would die from this virus. We all know what a powerful motivator fear can be. It is one of the main tools Satan has used to destroy people in one way or another and he has become expert in its use.
The latest data I read concerning the total number of cases of the virus and the deaths from it indicate that the death rate is around 0.15 %, certainly much lower than the original estimate of 3-4%, or even higher, as stated by the medical experts that advise our President. The actual death rate is very close to the average death rate of seasonal influenza that we all contend with year after year. And we are now learning that the overwhelming number of people who have died as a result of this virus, are those who are elderly and/or have one or more underlying medical issues that cause the virus to be more deadly. Now, in spite of the facts about the virus, we are being told to keep fearing, that this virus will certainly return this fall to destroy us all again. Based on what we now know of the true death rate of the virus, we seem to be facing some contradictions.
Ayn Rand, in her colossal and classic novel, “Atlas Shrugged” said, “Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you think that you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong.” Realizing the nature of contradictions, that they are highly illusory, every person, and especially every believer must ask himself: “What premise have I been using to determine the truth of this ‘crisis’”? If that premise is that governments can be trusted to speak the truth, then it is certainly time to examine our premises and make some changes in them.
All those who have placed their trust in government, then see how corrupt that government truly is, and how untrustworthy it is, will likely believe they are facing a ‘contradiction’. However, their original premise, that governments can be trusted, is a ‘wrong premise’. They CANNOT be trusted.
What to Do, Whom to Trust
If believers ever find themselves confused, confounded, or conflicted by what is happening around them, regarding the level of government corruption, their only recourse is to go back to the basics of God’s Word to determine what a true follower of Jesus should place his or her trust in.
One can easily find Godly direction on trust, in the Psalms: “O Lord my God, in thee do I put my trust: save me from all them that persecute me, and deliver me:” (Psalm 7:1). “In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me” (Psalm 56;11). I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust” (Psalm 91:2). “Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him” (Proverbs 30:5). Paul, writing to Timothy said: “Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not high-minded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy” (I Timothy 6:17). These are just a few of the many scriptures written in God’s Word where we are commanded to ‘trust in God’ and not in the world or any of the riches of this world.
But exactly what does it mean to trust God? How does one go about it? Is there a secret formula that can be followed to become a ‘God-truster’? I go back to my earliest childhood experiences, remembering my father, a common man, poorly-educated, albeit a hard-working man from the south. Though uneducated, he was raised by a God-fearing mother who always taught her seven children to work hard, love and worship God and to live by His word. I knew from a very young age that my father and mother loved me and wanted to provide the very best for me, to the extent they were able. I always knew that Dad and Mom would keep me fed, clothed and healthy though we were quite poor. I never lacked for the necessities growing up, and I knew it was due to the love of my Dad and Mom for me, and the fact they trusted God for provision. I learned over a short period of time during my childhood to trust my parents for my needs. Along with my trust, I learned to love Dad and Mom wholeheartedly.
Therefore, whenever I would approach my Dad to ask for something I really wanted, I knew that, when he said he would do it, he would do it no matter what the cost to him. There were times when he told me no, either because what I had asked was more than he could afford, or it was not a good thing for me. But, when he said yes to any request, he never let me down. I learned to trust his word, and trust HIM through his actions that fulfilled his words. Trusting God is no different than trusting a human parent; it starts with knowing the words that they have spoken and believing they will put the full force of their authority behind those words.
Jesus taught this same precept to His disciples: “Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone? Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent? If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?” (Matthew 7:9-11).
When Jesus disciples’ tried to keep a group of small children away from Him, Jesus taught His disciples how anyone must relate to God in order to please Him: “Then were there brought unto him little children, that he should put his hands on them, and pray: and the disciples rebuked them. But Jesus said, Suffer (permit) little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 19:13-15).
We must relate to our heavenly Father as we would to our earthly fathers, by developing a simple, child-like faith in the words that God has spoken, by first believing, then knowing, that He will put all His authority behind those words to provide for us when we ask anything according to those words. Over a period of years, developing such faith will bring us to a place where we can approach the Throne of Grace, boldly and, by simply asking and believing, receive from Him (Hebrews 4:16). However, just as it took some formative years in my early life to trust my Dad, building a relationship that led to trust, it takes time to build a relationship with God, through His word, to reach that place of loving Him and trusting in Him and His word.
The US government has multiple web sites where they post almost any information they are willing to share. Supposedly, in those postings, one can learn just what to expect from the government. But, keep in mind, that doesn’t mean that those words, though posted publicly for all to see, will always be what the government does. On the contrary. Anyone placing blind trust in any government will soon learn that the people who write all the legislation and the regulations that control so much of our lives, are experts in ‘doublespeak’. Just as I learned to trust my Dad, then God, through experiencing their ability and their willingness to make good on their words, I have learned that one can only trust a government to the extent it has proven itself trustworthy. Since there has never been a successful human government in the nearly 6000 years since Adam was created, it stands to reason that no government has earned that trust. And until Jesus returns to this earth and establishes a righteous kingdom, with Himself on the throne, that will not change.
I realize that, no matter what I write here, there will still be millions of folk, both rich and poor, who will still place all their trust in some government, expecting that, whatever that government has promised, it will bring to pass. This blind trust will likely keep them in the dark and unwilling to accept that governments are NOT to be trusted, until they experience the doublespeak of government for themselves. The world is still blindly stumbling along in the darkness and will continue to do so until a light shines in their lives, and dispels that darkness. Until then, we can only pray that someone already living in the light will share it with them.
However, true believers should not be living in any kind of darkness. With eyes, both fleshly and spiritual, wide open, they should by now know that all the governments of the world are inherently evil, totally or nearly corrupt and are under the control of Satan (Matthew 4:8-9, Luke 4:5-6) and his evil minions, both demonic and human, who have no other motivation than to steal, kill and destroy. Somehow, it seems foolish to place any trust in a government that is mostly controlled by the persons who have determined to destroy us all.
In direct opposition to Satan is Jesus, whom God’s word says is the LIGHT, and He has come to bring LIFE (John 10:10). Only by placing all our trust in Him, in simple childlike faith, will we ever experience true peace, joy and fulfillment. No earthly government can honestly make this claim, and should not be trusted to fulfill it if they do.
Loving someone and trusting them wholeheartedly go hand in hand. If you truly love them, you will trust them completely. In Exodus 20:2-17, you will find listed the ten commandments given to Moses by God on Mount Sanai. The first is: “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me” (Exodus 20:2). God indicated that He is a jealous God who forbids the worship of any other god, in whatever form it may exist. Jesus, when asked by a lawyer, “What is the great commandment in the law?”, replied, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment” (Matthew 22:37-38). The author of Exodus 20 doesn’t use the words “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind”, but simply says, “You shall have no other gods before Me”. In my mind, since love and trust go hand in hand, the Lord is saying: “the thing that you love, and trust most, has, or will, become the god you worship.” Knowing that God is indeed a jealous God, we must be extremely careful not to love and place our trust in anything that could come between us and God. If one places all his or her trust in government promises, as though the government were capable of providing a person’s needs, has that person then made the government his god? That is a question every believer must ask and answer to his own satisfaction, all the while remembering that God will not share His glory with any man or government.
I am reminded of the words reportedly spoken by Nancy Pelosi, who after being elected the first female Speaker of the House of Representatives in 2006, said: “You don’t need God anymore, you have us Democrats”. The fact that she is, once again, Speaker of the House, is a sobering reminder that anyone, other than God Himself, claiming to have godlike qualities, abilities, and attributes, is a person never to be trusted, EVER. Every person, whether saved or unsaved, has the right to choose whom to trust; as for me and my house, we will serve, and trust, the Lord.

Born and raised in a small textile town in North Carolina, Bud Hancock’s family moved to Michigan in the hope of finding better employment with General Motors. After graduating from high school, Bud began an apprenticeship with General Motors to become a Metal Modelmaker. Retiring after a 30 year career, which included an eight year stint as a Meteorologist, he and his wife moved back to North Carolina to be near his elderly parents. Shortly thereafter, with both of his parents having passed, he started a new career in the bank security/ATM business, advancing from an entry level technician to one of two North Carolina customer service managers for his employer. Retiring again after 13 years, he and his wife of 51 years relocated to Tennessee where Bud began writing articles specializing in Bible teaching and geopolitical issues. At age 75, he and his wife relocated to South Carolina with their Miniature Schnauzer, Baxter. Bud continues to study God’s word and write articles on Christian living and geopolitical issues from the Biblical end times perspective.