For the last two months, the zoo animals have been studying the night sky. We are intrigued by the planets especially, so it was arranged for us to view What You Aren’t Being Told About Astronomy, Volume One, Our Created Solar System. This was Volume 1 of a 3 Volume Set. The whole set is available from:
We learned, from the host, Spike Psarris, an American military space programme engineer, that he entered that prgramme as an atheist and an evolutionist. He left it as a Creationist and a Christian.
In this video he explains some of the evidence that caused that transformation. Evolutionary models cannot explain, by their own proponents’ admission, how the planets originated. In fact several are “scientific” impossibilities, according to these models.
It would seem to this monkey that an Almighty Being did, indeed, create our inexplicable Solar System with:
- Mar’s mighty canyons and volcanoes
- Saturn’s dancing moons, ‘Janus’ and ‘Epimetheus’
- Uranus’ six mile high cliffs on its moon ‘Miranda’
- Neptune’s 1,300 mile per hour winds
Of course, there were many other wonders which were highlighted but I am only a chimpanzee and find it difficult to grasp the intricacies of magnetic fields and gravitational forces.
Gibber! Gibber!
The Planet- Watching, Awe-Struck Chimpanzee.
It is a obvious as the planets in the sky.
Plainly there for all to see. It is just that some do not want to see!
I think the song goes “There is none so blind as those who cannot see” Thanks for the encouragement Sydneysider! Gibber Gibber! Chugley
Dear Chugley, you down-rate yourself. I am highly intelligent, ask me some time, but the models promoted by the “ex-spurts” don’t make sense to me either. In fact, my 5 year old grand-daughter told me the other day, “that you can’t make something from nothing, so God made it all”. And I too find it difficult to grasp. This so called ‘BIG BANG’ must have been caused by something, where did that something come from. I guess it gives the ‘ex-spurts’ something to do. But I like to keep it simple. “In the beginning, God…” . See, there was something after all. PS. Sorry Chugley, I am going out of the country for a couple of weeks. Keep up the good work.
I am glad to hear you are highly intelligent and that your grand-daughter follows after you! I agree, it seems simple to me as I continue my studies. We shall miss you, have a safe trip! Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
The features of (even) our own Solar System are awesome, but features of even our own Earth are too incredible to have “just happened”. Witness how our Earth is protected from damaging solar flares. Here’s a quote – “Magnetic Protection. Earth’s magnetosphere, the first layer of protection against solar flares, whisks away the flare’s charged particles. Due to the effects of the solar wind, the magnetosphere has a compressed, bulbous side that faces the sun, a dip near Earth’s poles and a flowing tail extending away from the sun.”
To me, all of this declares the handiwork of God!
That is how it seems to this monkey also!! Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
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