After a rather distressing e-mail exchange with a “scientifically” qualified Doctor (not Dr Natalie Bennett!) I was encouraged to receive an e-mail this morning from Creation.com . This featured an interview by CMI CEO, Dr Don Batten, with immunologist Dr Natalie Bennett. Here is some of this interview:
Science-faith struggles?
I asked Dr Bennett if she had ever had any struggles over science and her faith. “Not really. Everything I have ever learned about science has reinforced my faith in the true God of the Bible. While there were times when I could not reconcile faith and ‘science’ (e.g. the ‘proven’ old age of the earth), I always assumed that the Bible was right and that the science was somehow based on incorrect assumptions, or simply that they did not yet have enough information to come to the correct conclusion. Reading Dr John Ashton’s book, In Six Days: Why 50 scientists choose to believe in creation, really encouraged me because I realized that many scientists do not subscribe to the prevailing evolutionary worldview and yet they had successful careers in science. Then I discovered Creation Ministries, which has helped me to clarify what I believe about creation versus evolution and has provided me with a wealth of information about how to defend my belief in the reliability of God’s Word.”
I thoroughly recommend this article to you, please click on the link below. It is in stark contrast to my distasteful and ignorant exchange yesterday, when another PhD “scientist” refused to engage in discussion, describing Creationists as “flat earthers”. I wonder if she has heard of Sir Isaac Newton? So unhelpful and she didn’t even know I was an evolving Chimp!
Gibber! Gibber!
The Research Chimp
Last word from Dr Natalie advising students contemplating a career in Science:
It was a great adventure. Do not be discouraged by the prevailing evolutionary worldview that seems to dominate science—there are many Christians in all fields of science doing great work, and remember, with God all things are possible!