Algy regales the zoo with stories, as you will remember. I sometimes wonder whether they are embroidered for added effect. Frankly, at my age, I don’t care. Apparently Emery was very friendly with Graham Hill, the World Champion Racing driver, with a huge sense of humour. Emery liked flying light aircraft. He had the penchant for flying at very low level, (fifty feet) over London. This did not endear him to the Air Registration Board. Algy apparently worked at the aerodrome where they both flew from.
I think both men would have been miserable living in this age of enforced Political Correctness and rigid rules.
I leave it to my readers to decide whether the world would have been a drearier place without them. The above clip shows Emery’s comic genius, he could spot a fake a mile off and, coupled with Hill’s outrageous sense of fun, Algy says that they could cheer up a gloomy English airfield no end.
Don’t bother complaining or pontificating, you all need some sunshine in your lives right now, 1962 supplied a good dose of it, so enjoy and put all criticism on ice for a few minutes!
Gibber! Gibber!
The Chuckling Chimp

4 thoughts on “DICK EMERY”
It is so good to see these vignettes again.
There is humour in the zoo!
Thanks Chugley
Glad you liked it. It would not be allowed in these rather colourless PC days David. Thanks for the encouragement! Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
As he would say, “You are awful, but I like you!”
Aw, I like you too Betty! Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
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