After watching the Northern Territory elections the other evening, Mrs Chugley and I watched the original Crocodile Dundee. It was wonderful to witness once more this triumphant demonstration of Paul Hogan’s Australian wit blazing from the screen, both in the Northern Territory, and overseas.
It made us sad to think how so much seems to have been dumbed down in your society since those days of Hogan’s Dundee, and then the Foster Beer advertisements, (ads masterminded by Rowan Dean). Here are a few samples to take you back to yester year:
Can you imagine bringing back Paul to advertise facemasks and lockdowns? Political Correctness? No? Nor can I. But have a look at the famous “shrimp on the barbie” ad below, and mourn the loss of Aussie larrikinism with me.
Gibber! Gibber!
The “Pop a shrimp on the Barbie” Chimp
2 thoughts on “CROCODILE DUNDEE”
I’ve enjoyed Paul Hogan’s Aussie larrikin humour since the 1970’s when he worked with his mate, Strop. Hoges is the quintessential Aussie character that has typified the Oz culture to other countries.
I wouldn’t be surprised if his character alone has brought in billions of tourist dollars over the decades.
He’s come a long way from those early days of working as a rigger on the Harbour Bridge.
I am pleased this brought back some pleasant memories for you Paul. I believe Hoges now lives alone in Los Angeles. He and Linda Kozlowski divorced many years ago. It seems a sad way to end such an illustrious career, estranged from Australia. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
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