It intrigued me to see that it took code crackers around 500 years to crack the secret code created by King Ferdinand of Spain, portrait above, to communicate with his military leader de Cordoba in 1502. King Ferdinand sponsored Christopher Columbus who discovered the New World. Pretty hi-tech for those days!
This reminded me of the wonderful book created by the late Chuck Missler, called Cosmic Codes, that explains so many hidden codes in your book you call The Bible. I supply a link for you:
I thought this was an appropriate time to bring this to your attention as Chuck has very recently passed on, as I recorded yesterday.
Gibber! Gibber!
The Code-Cracking Chimp
2 thoughts on “CODE CRACKERS”
Commenting from San Francisco. I’m not surprised what Chuck Missler wrote about the Bible having codes for life and the future of humanity and the cosmos. I’m reminded that the Bible says of itself…”it is living and active…” and able to penetrate life’s meaning and purposes into our minds and even spirits. What a life-changing book!
I do like comments from SanFrancisco, one of my favourite cities, Paul. Enjoy your trip! I think nobody has a better grasp of the Bible than Chuck Missler, we shall miss him hugely! Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
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