Rowan Dean, Editor of the Australian Edition of the English Spectator magazine, points out that CNN conceded, when it hoped nobody was watching, that hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) helped Covid-19 patients to better survive in hospital.
Regular readers of the Spectator would not be surprised because their star columnist, Rebecca Weisser, has long pointed this out. This completely vindicates President Trump, who said some time ago that this well known drug was a “game changer in the fight against Covid-19” and a “Gift from God”. He was ridiculed for his trouble.
Rebecca Weisser has followed this story for some months which Rowan Dean describes as a “modern day morality story”. He went on to describe the WHO as a “vexatiously villainised Chaucerian cast of heroes and villains”. It is run by Red Ted (Tedros) Adhanom, a mad Marxist who did not want to even run a test on HCQ as a cure for Covid-19.
This monkey cannot believe the way in which you humans are destroying yourselves. Readers who want to seriously search for the truth of such matters simply must subscribe to the Spectator. Here is a link:
Rowan Dean continues: “Trump has been spectacularly vindicated, yet that is unlikely to put an end to the shenanigans of Big Pharma, Big Media and Big Partisans, who have no interest in letting him get back to making America great again”.
You should have been told about this easily available cure, which, when used in conjunction with another drug, AZM, could, it is believed, have reduced the Covid death toll by around 70%. Knowing this could have allowed you all to get back to life as usual, and saved the economies and small businesses of your world from collapse.
Subscribe to the Australian Spectator here:
Gibber! Gibber!
The Spectating Chimp
Dear Chugley. An interesting article, does Donald know something that the rest of the world does not know The CNN story is about a study that indicated that this drug had positive affects on Covid. But reading on in the link given, I found this; “It’s a surprising finding because several other studies have found no benefit from hydroxychloroquine, a drug originally developed to treat and prevent malaria. President Donald Trump touted the drug heavily, but later studies found not only did patients not do better if they got the drug, they were more likely to suffer cardiac side effects.”.. So there are studies and studies, guess it depends on which side you are on ???
There is a huge divergence of opinion here. This monkey wonders why Dr Fauci has shares in Bill Gates’ vaccine company, George Soros backs which purports to monitor Scams, but seems to shut down criticism of his machinations instead. This monkey is on the side of the pursuit of TRUTH.believing that we are being subjected to a Marxist left wing onslaught to shut it down. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
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