This monkey finds this interview to be profoundly impactful and easy to understand. Thanks again to Creation Ministries for making such material available. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
This monkey finds this interview to be profoundly impactful and easy to understand. Thanks again to Creation Ministries for making such material available. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
The Five Sons of Mattathias were named: The exploits of Judas, Jonathan and Simon are well-known, but one of the bravest of The Sons of Mattathias was Eleazar. After the death of Antiochus IV, his son, Antiochus V, became the ruler of The Seleucid Empire. He was determined to subdue the revolt led by Mattathias and Judas, who assumed the command upon the death of his father. Antiochus assembled a force of 100,000 infantry, 20,000 cavalry, and 32 elephants trained for war. The huge animals were distributed among the infantry units. A thousand men, protected by chain armour and bronze…
I encourage my readers to sit back and enjoy the Happy Goodmans as they sing about the soon return of the Lord Jesus Christ. Looking at the current world situation it is understandable that you wish for this to happen very soon. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
Could chemical evolution produce DNA? Some of my readers are punch drunk and tired trying to make sense of the world. Here is a good reason to take heart and rejoice that God is who He says He is. Please make sure you are plugged in to Creation magazine, subscribe here: Gibber! Gibber! Chugley An inquirer asks about recent hype concerning claims that DNA building blocks could be produced by random, undirected chemistry. Ph.D. chemist Dr Jonathan Sarfati responds with both general advice about chemical evolution claims, and some specifics about this latest one. Erin C. writes: These atheists are at…
From The Maccabean Revolt to The Founding of The Hasmoneans to King Herod. “And They That Understand Among The People Shall Instruct Many. Yet They Shall Fall By The Sword, And [They Shall Fall] By Flame, And [They Shall Fall ] By Captivity, And [They Shall Fall] By Spoil, Many Days. Now When They Shall Fall, They Shall Be Holpen With A Little Help; But Many Shall Cleave To Them With Flatteries. And Some Of Them Of Understanding Shall Fall: Even To THE TIME OF THE END; Because It Is Yet For A TIME APPOINTED.” Daniel 11: 33,34 & 35…
“But The People That Do Know Their GOD shall be strong, And Do Exploits.“ Although this verse applies to the inspiring individuals who stood against the forces of Hellenism, it ultimately was fulfilled in the family of Mattathias who called the people forth to holy war against the Seleucids: I. Mattathias 167 – 166 B.C.E. He was an aged priest living at Modein. He defied the order to sacrifice in homage to Antiochus IV. II. Judas ‘Maccabeus‘ the third son of Mattathias who led revolt from 166 B.C.E. – 160 B.C.E. and won victories over the Seleucid troops at: He…
And such as do wickedly against The Covenant, Shall He[Antiochus IV(175 B.C.E. – 164 B.C.E.)] corrupt with Flatteries; But The People That Know Their GOD shall be Strong, And Do Exploits. (Daniel 11:32) One of the ways in which Antiochus IV endeavoured to corrupt the Jewish Nation was when Jason, the brother of the godly high priest, Onias, after having persuaded Antiochus IV to make him high priest in his brother’s place, established a stadium where young men could train. The finest young men were tempted to adopt the Greek custom of participating in athletic events. (Hellenism exalts the body…
“And Arms [ Forces] shall stand of His [Antiochus IV(175 B.C.E. – 164 B.C.E)] Part; And They shall pollute [defile] The Sanctuary of Strength; And shall take away The Daily Sacrifice, And They shall place The Abomination That Maketh desolate.” (Daniel 11:30) Exodus 29:38 – 42 Now This is That Which Thou Shalt Offer Upon The Altar: Two Lambs of The first Year Day by Day Continually. The One Lamb Thou Shalt Offer In The Morning; And The Other Lamb Thou Shalt Offer At Even. And With The One Lamb A Tenth Deal Of Flour Mingled With The Fourth Part…
Antiochus IV (175 B.C.E. -164 B.C.E.), despised The Holy Covenant. This was The Covenant which GOD made with Abram, The Son of Terah, who was descended from Shem, The Son of Noah, with whom GOD made a universal Covenant that HE would never again destroy the earth with A Universal Flood. This Universal Covenant was accompanied with a sign – the beautiful sign of The Rainbow. This Universal Covenant was made with Noah and His Sons, Japheth, Ham, and Shem, and their descendants. In The Book of Genesis, Chapter Ten, The Seventy Nations fathered by: Japheth, Ham, and Shem, are…
Antiochus IV (175 B.C.E. – 164 B.C.E.): For some time, Co-Co, The Coconut-Throwing Chimpanzee Schoolmaster, has been pondering upon the expression used in the above three verses – ‘The Holy Covenant’. It is not The Covenant which THE LORD GOD made with Noah after The Flood: ‘And GOD spake unto Noah, and to His Sons with Him, saying, “And I, Behold, establish MY COVENANT with You, and with Your Seed after You; and every living creature that is with you, of the fowl, of the cattle, and of every beast of The Earth with You, from All That Go Out…