Creation Ministries send out daily INFObytes. I find them very helpful in my search for the truth about origins. You should also find then helpful when you discuss the historical truth of the Bible. I found the one I feature today particularly insightful in explaining how animals could have spread throughout the post-flood world. Sign up for INFObytes here, it is free! : Enjoy the sample click the link below! Gibber! Gibber! Chugley Hooked on Creation History Chimp Phytogeography and zoogeography—rafting vs continental drift by Dominic Statham Evolutionists have great difficulties explaining the global distributions of plants and animals. Accepted…
A 74-year old man coming back home from work at 2AM while most men his age are retired in their vacation homes. He comes back after a long day that probably started before the sun rose, and he gets back home exhausted with his tie open and hat in his hand feeling that an accomplished day is finally over. This amazing man is at the age of many people’s fathers, grandfathers, even great grandfathers, but this man just came back home from work, for me, for you. This man left his massive gold covered mansion where he could retire happily and play…