a not-for-profit Australian organisation
Rowan Dean and The Outsiders Sky programme were among people targeted by Sarah Chidgey, of the Australian Attorney General’s Department, Register of Foreign Influence section, ordering them to register on the “foreign interest” registry, and to surrender private documents.
The most high profile person targeted was Tony Abbott, former Prime Minister of Australia. This was because they all took part in the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) held in Australia this August – which was so admirably publicised by Kristina Keneally.
These out of control bureau-c-rats seem to have shown their left wing colours in full fluoro tones. Keneally warned of an “alt-right” takeover and “rising white supremacism” in Australia. The idea of registering foreign interest was introduced and implemented by Malcolm Turnbull, whom Nigel Farage described as a “rat”.
The most outspoken person targeted was Andrew Cooper, head of Liberty Works, who co-hosted CPAC in Sydney, together with the American Conservative Union (ACU). Andrew told Sarah Chidgey (not to be confused with Chugley) to “get stuffed”. A refreshing example of Australian straight talking as opposed to PC pontificating! There should be more of it. (I’ll do my best). Mr Cooper also said, in his reply to Chidgey, that her department “appears less like the defender of freedom and more like the old East German Stasi.” (The Ministry for State Security or State Security Service, commonly known as the Stasi, was the official state security service of the German Democratic Republic. It has been described as one of the most effective and repressive intelligence and secret police agencies ever to have existed). Wikipedia.
Tony Abbott refused the request, labelling it as – “absurd” – he further said that “senior officials of the Commonwealth have better things to do with their time”. I’m with you, Tony.
So that should be that. Please, I don’t want any more of this “evolving” it just doesn’t seem helpful to become human and to get involved with a farce like this, give me the zoo anytime. Where is your Prime Minister in all this?
Gibber! Gibber!
The Keep Australian Free Chimp