I have to congratulate the Outsiders yet again for drawing attention to another out of control operation in our midst. The culprits are those two IT tech monsters, Google and Facebook. Rowan Dean and Ross Cameron last evening discussed with Darren Davidson, media Editor of The Australian Newspaper, just how sinister these two operations have become. I was amazed to hear that even George Soros, (constant target of the ever agitating conspiracy underclass), is concerned about the control these privately operated behemoths exercise over normal mortals – even zoos! The whole technical details were beyond my monkey mind, suffice it to say though, there is no doubt you are in danger of having your thoughts and habits monitored and controlled without your knowledge. It seemed to me they would know when I wanted a banana and could influence my choice. I take exception to that. So I am warning my readers and saying thanks to Rowan, Ross and Darren.
Gibber! Gibber! They’ve done it again!
The Conspiracy exposing Chimp
Which side is George Soros on?
One thought on “BIG BROTHER IS HERE?”
I enjoy Facebook for catching-up with family and friends, plus witnessing on the boisterous “Atheists versus Christians” FB site…and, very importantly for me, Facebook has a Scrabble game called Wordscraper which is most enjoyable when playing other family members! So far I seem to have escaped Facebook’s sinister clutches…I think!
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