Thank you to Creation Ministries International [C.M.I.]for an excellent article yesterday. This came as part of their daily e-mail Info Bytes to supporters. This monkey finds the information exceptionally helpful. If you do not support C.M.I., and subscribe to their full colour magazine, Creation, you are short-changing your self. Support them today. Here are a few highlights from a recent Info Bytes:

The best is yet to come
Clarence Janzen chats with computer scientist Dr Ed Knorr
Dr Ed Knorr’s B.Math. is from the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, and his M.Sc. and Ph.D. (the latter involving research in data mining and outlier detection) are from the University of British Columbia, where he has worked since 2002 and is currently a tenured senior instructor.
Dr Knorr’s childhood in Canada was not exactly privileged. His parents, lacking much formal education, were impoverished but hard-working German immigrants, fleeing the ravages of World War II and its aftermath to make a new life in British Columbia. The family would rarely go out to eat, and vacations were unknown.
You can find the full article here: https://creation.com/ed-knorr-interview
I found this comparison very helpful, the thinking applies to monkeys also.
“Computer programs (i.e. software) have precise specifications that follow well-defined steps to tell the computer to do exactly what the software (and hence programmer) tells it to.
A program sold to you by a software company can be very large and complex—often the result of many person-years of effort by highly-skilled programmers. Essentially, it is one long binary number (consisting of only 1s and 0s)—but with an amazing amount of intelligence built into it. Even then, we often don’t get it right, hence why so much software needs to be patched and upgraded.
DNA is also a digital code. Microsoft pioneer Bill Gates said: “DNA is like a computer program but far, far more advanced than any software ever created.”3 The human genome contains about 3 billion ‘letters’ of information—equivalent to 1000 encyclopedias. That does not happen without a designing intelligence. Since the Fall, errors (mutations) have crept in; but, DNA is an amazing bunch of code.
This link gave me a graphic idea of why DNA could not have made itself:
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Gibber! Gibber!
Creation Fan
So Chugley by current theories, if we waited long enough, the Windows operating system or Mac IOS would have become coded naturally through random processes. What a revelation!
Why do I have trouble believing that, when so many believe the vastly more complex DNA codes that exist in nature and in us just happened without a master programmer (God)?
That is exactly the question Greg, well done grasping the lunacy of so much human thinking. Even a monkey can understand this, what is wrong with so many of you “fully evolved” humans? Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
My wife and I already subscribe to Creation Ministries, and agree with Chugley’s commendation of this wonderful website and magazine.
I would expect no less from a with it couple like you obviously are! Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
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