Pastor Wayne has an outstanding ability to relate current events to a Biblical world view. Below is Pastor Wayne’s extensive summary of the unprecedented situation America is now in. The 2020 election result appears to be facing a solid legal challenge, will it be exposed as fraudulent after all? A gripping read!
Click above for last Sunday’s sermon “My Country ’tis of thee“. Thank you Pastor Wayne.
GIbber! Gibber!
Pastor’s Handouts for Sunday, July 4, 2021
We are observing the building of some very significant events this summer and into the fall and winter. The greatest trigger may be finding via audits that Trump won Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, putting Biden under 270 Electoral votes and our country into a constitutional crisis.
Furthermore, we have some very intense divisive battles taking place at the public school and college levels regarding critical race theory, gender identity and pronoun use, and vaccine and mask mandates.
Next week we will have insight on the Federal Reserve and their role in the great reset and more, the major threats from China, Russia, one-world political order, the possible U.S.-Israel-Palestinian peace talks and the U.S.-Iran tensions in Iraq.
2020 election audit and increased possibility of decertified results in favor of Trump
The outcome of the 2020 audits in Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are making it look more likely Trump could be determined the winner. More details are pending. The Arizona audit in Maricopa County (Phoenix area) is almost complete. Georgia looks as though they are moving toward a Fulton County audit and possibly the whole state. Pennsylvania Republican leaders are moving forward with an audit, as well as Wisconsin. They are at different stages, and they all look favorable to Trump.
As Steve Bannon states, Mike Lindell is doing the air game through voting machine forensics and a lawsuit against Dominion Voting Systems. Bannon, Boris Epshteyn, Peter Navarro, John Fredricks, Steve Cortes, Rudy Giuliani, and others in the state legislatures are working on the ground game of election audits.
What happens if the states in question decertify the Biden victory? There is no legal precedence to what happens if Biden drops below the key 270 Electoral College vote level and Trump exceeds 270 votes. A Georgia audit could also affect the Senate races, where David Perdue could be declared the winner and possibly Senator Kelly Loeffler over the outcome in the November 3, 2020 race and/or the January 5, 2021, runoff.
There are 50 Democrats and 50 Republicans in the U.S. Senate, with the tiebreaker being VP Kamala Harris. If the Republicans regain the majority in the Senate, that will have a dramatic impact. The committee majorities would be back in the Republicans’ hands and the Democrats back in the minority. That would stop much of Biden’s absurd and immoral legislation. What does that do legally to the legislation that Biden and the Democrats have put in place?
Major violence fueled by Democrats and the mainstream media would likely follow
Major U.S. cities were locked down and/or boarded in the event Trump won the November 3 election. If Trump were declared the winner, what would happen in the United States? The fear over civil unrest prevented some of the Republican majority legislatures from challenging the election results, and that very possibly caused the Supreme Court not to take the Texas lawsuit that contested election results in four battleground states and was supported by 19 other states. We know the Democrats and the mainstream media reactions and their violent factions could cause major disruption and violence in U.S. cities.
The Battle over Critical Race Theory
June 27, 2021 – Wall Street Journal
Critical race theory is the latest battleground in the culture war. Since the murder of George Floyd last year, critical race theory’s key concepts, including “systemic racism,” “white privilege,” and “white fragility,” have become ubiquitous in America’s elite institutions. Progressive politicians have sought to implement “antiracist” policies to reduce racial disparities, such as minorities-only income programs and racially segregated vaccine distribution.
The ideology has sparked an immense backlash. As Americans have sought to understand critical race theory, they have discovered that it has divided Americans into racial categories of “oppressor” and “oppressed” and promotes radical concepts such as “spirit murder” (what public schools supposedly do to black children) and “abolishing whiteness” (a purported precondition for social justice). In the classroom, critical race theory-inspired lessons have often devolved into race-based struggle sessions, with public schools forcing children to rank themselves according to a racial hierarchy, subjecting white teachers to “antiracist therapy,” and encouraging parents to become “white traitors.”
Alarmed state legislators have pushed back. In recent months, lawmakers in 24 states have introduced, and six have enacted, legislation banning public schools from promoting critical race theory’s core concepts, including race essentialism, collective guilt, and racial superiority. Parent groups around the country have mobilized to oppose critical race theory in the classroom, arguing that it cultivates shame in white students and fatalism in minority students. According to a recent YouGov survey, of the 64% of Americans who have heard about critical race theory, 58% view it unfavorably, including 72% of political independents.
First, critical race theory isn’t an exercise in promoting racial sensitivity or understanding history. It’s a radical ideology that seeks to use race as a means of moral, social, and political revolution. The left-leaning media has sought to portray it as a “lens” for examining the history of racism in the U.S., but this soft framing obscures the nature of the theory, which maintains that America is an irredeemably racist nation and that the constitutional principles of freedom and equality are mere “camouflages,” in the words of scholar William F. Tate IV, for white supremacy. The solution, according to prominent exponents of critical race theory such as Ibram X. Kendi, is to abolish capitalism and install a near-omnipotent federal bureaucracy with the power to nullify any law and silence political speech that isn’t “antiracist.”
Radical LGBTQ activists in the White House
Obama’s and Biden’s LGBTQ agendas led to massive division within the military, education institutions, the church and the Boy Scouts. No two individuals in the history of the United State have done more damage while in office. As I wrote in Revealed: Obama’s Legacy, America will never recover from the eight years of damage Obama initiated and carried out. That has been accelerated under Biden.
In Obama’s last year in office, he and his Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, forced transgenderism education on schools across America. They filed lawsuits or threatened lawsuits where school boards didn’t comply. Obama’s and Biden’s LGBTQ agendas have led to massive division within the military, education institutions, big business, the church and the Boy Scouts.
As leaders of the Boy Scouts, Rex Tillerson and Robert Gates supported allowing gays in Boy Scouts and as scoutmasters over legal fears. Today the Boy Scouts are in bankruptcy with 84,000 sexual abuse claims. USA Today reported Thursday that the Boy Scouts were close to an $850 million settlement to an expected 82,000 eligible victims. This destruction of another U.S. institution was influenced by an agenda that Obama and Biden implemented.
Stop the LGBTQ+ grooming of children – By Bill Wilson, KIN Senior Analyst
WASH—Jun 29—KIN—The nationwide celebration of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning “Pride” month by government and major corporations is about to come to a close without acknowledging a dirty little secret—that allowing the LGBTQ+ community access to elementary and high schools may be a primary cause of suicide among LGBTQ+ preteen and teen recruits. This “grooming” of minor children by LGBTQ+ activists welcomed by school systems appears to be leading children down such a path of guilt and confusion that studies indicate they are committing suicide at alarming rates compared with their heterosexual peers. This government school-sanctioned sexual abuse of children must be stopped.
A 2019 study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health analyzed 10,311 suicides ages 12-29 using information from the National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS) found that adolescents aged 12 to 14 who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, and/or transgender are more likely to die by suicide than heterosexual teens of the same age. The researchers concluded that one out of four pre- and early teen suicides were among LGBTQ youth. Moreover, suicide rates among older LGBTQ youth are also higher than rates among heterosexual teens. A 2018 study also found that LGBTQ teenagers are three times as likely—that’s 75% more likely—to attempt suicide as their heterosexual peers.
Even the Trevor Project, which claims to be the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ young people under 25, admits there is a problem, but fails to acknowledge the extent of it.
The Trevor Project website says that “LGBTQ young people are more than four times more likely to attempt suicide than their peers, and suicide remains the second leading cause of death among all young people in the United States.” It claims research showing that over 1.8 million LGBTQ youth in the United States consider suicide each year. It doesn’t tell us how many actually commit suicide. The donor list is comprised of individuals (giving $15.6 million), a “Who’s Who” of Corporations ($12.1 million), the government ($85,071) and various others totaling in 2020 some $34.6 million.
The grooming and recruitment of children in schools, ad campaigns, and entertainment (say Disney for me) to accept the LGBTQ+ lifestyle obviously leads children to severe enough mental conflict that they not only consider suicide, they do it. THEY KILL THEMSELVES—To the extent that the LGBTQ+ community has to fund an organization to prevent the very thing they cause. If heterosexuals organized and went into schools to groom kids for sex, they would be arrested for a host of sex crimes. If LGBTQ+ people want to pursue that lifestyle as adults, it is between them and their God. But LEAVE OUR KIDS ALONE. This is literally killing them. It is a most vile form of abuse. Proverbs 6:17 describes what God hates and is an abomination: “A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood.” They call it “Pride” month as they set their deadly snare and people cheer them on.
Japan warns US a ‘Pearl Harbor’ style attack from China and Russia could happen – JULY 02, 2021 RYAN MORGAN
On Wednesday, Japan’s number two defense official said China and Russia are showing increased signs of military cooperation and their activities in the Pacific could show signs they plan to launch a Pearl Harbor-style attack on the U.S., similitar to how Japan did on Dec. 7, 1941, propelling the U.S. into World War II.
Speaking at a Hudson Institute event, Japanese State Defense Minister Yasuhide Nakayama said, “Seventy years ago, we attacked Pearl Harbor, but now the U.S. and Japan [are] very good allies, one of the best allies all over the world.” Nakayama went on to say now Russian naval forces “are really exercising just right in front of the western part of Honolulu, and so I don’t want to remind the 70 years ago, but we have to be careful of the exercising of the Russians.” Japan’s State Defense Minister is the direct deputy to its Defense Minister, Japan’s top defense official
In recent days, Russia’s fleet has conducted various naval drills near Hawaii, including practicing sinking an aircraft carrier. Some Russian ships have been reported operating within 35 nautical miles of Hawaii’s coastline. Amidst the nearby Russian naval drills, the U.S. Navy repositioned Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 1 in the Hawaiian Islands Operating Area. Nakayama said, “We have to show the deterrence towards China, and not just China but also the Russians, because, as I told you, that they are doing their exercises together.”
“China and Russia are doing very good. They are friends. They are very good friends, I think. But on the other hand, they are creating their own missiles capability, their own submarine capability. They are sharing their knowledge together, even with academia, I guess, or [research and development],” Nakayama said. “. . .So, we have to more focus on how to protect and not just protect, but how to hedge the risk.” Nakayama also drew a comparison between a potential nuclear attack by Russia or China and the U.S. nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan during World War II.
“If some country shoot’s [a nuclear weapon] from their continent towards Honolulu, that missile’s . . . the warheads compared to Hiroshima, it’s 200 times more than Hiroshima,” Nakayama said. “So, I’ve been to Hiroshima before and I went to the museum before, from that experience and the perspective, if 200 times more strong atomic bombs or torpedoes or missiles, warheads towards Honolulu, I think Honolulu will be erased from the map. So, we have to think before using those powers, we have to think how to stop it.”
Nakayama also described the growing threat of invasion China poses against Taiwan and how Japan and the U.S. must cooperate to keep Chinese actions in check. “What we can do is show the deterrence and also [that an attack] or happening towards Taiwan, it’s straight to relate to not just Japan, but also the U.S.-Japan alliance even,” he said.
Hidden monument, heavy message – Matthew White – Guest Columnist

A striking monument in Massachusetts — hidden from the masses by years of forested growth and city development — clearly depicts the formula desired and applied by the Pilgrims, the biblical foundation that brought about the blessings and prosperity of this great nation.
In his journal, Of Plymouth Plantation, Governor William Bradford wrote, “Thus out of small beginnings greater things have been produced by His hand that made all things of nothing and gives being to all things that are; and as one small candle may light a thousand, so the light here kindled hath shone unto many, yea in some sort to our whole nation; let the glorious name of Jehovah have all praise.” Forefathers monument (Plymouth, MA)Those words are inscribed on a spectacular monument that, sadly, because of its remote location, is infrequently visited.
Located in Plymouth, Massachusetts, The National Monument to the Forefathers towers 81 feet tall. Dedicated in 1889, it took 30 years to build and is believed to be the world’s largest solid granite monument. Most people are familiar with Plymouth Rock, but few know of the special monument erected in honor of the Mayflower passengers who journeyed to the New World in hopes of a better life. Largely forgotten, the statue was brought back into the public eye by Kirk Cameron’s 2012 film, Monumental.
Full of rich symbolism, the monument is a reminder of the foundation the Pilgrims laid as they sought a world in which they would be free to worship God according to their convictions. Standing atop a giant octagonal pedestal is the 36-foot-tall statue, appropriately named Faith. Her eyes gaze eastward over the Atlantic, looking toward Plymouth, England, from where the Pilgrims fled. Her right hand points to heaven acknowledging the Creator. With a star on her forehead, Faith holds a partially opened Bible in her left hand, indicating the Word of God as the source of knowledge. Flowing from Faith and seated below her are four additional Pilgrim virtues, allegorically personified as Morality, Law, Education, and Liberty.
Without eyes, Morality peers inward to examine her internal character, thus highlighting the need to first deal with issues of the heart that will ultimately affect external conduct. She holds the Ten Commandments in her left hand and the scroll of Revelation in her right, illustrating how morality flows from God’s Word, beginning to end. Morality is seated beside Law, suggesting that God’s moral law extends into civil law. Subsequently, Law holds the civil code in his left hand, with his right hand extended in mercy. Next comes Education. Seated with her open Bible, she wears a wreath of victory representing her inherent freedom to educate her children and train them up in the way they should go. Seated last is Liberty. In his left hand, he holds broken chains, signifying that the chains of tyranny have been broken. English tyrants were represented as lions; thus, Liberty has the skin of a slain lion draped over him, further depicting tyranny’s defeat. Liberty sits alert, a sheathed sword in his right hand indicating he does not want to fight but will if necessary.
Sometimes called “The Matrix of Liberty,” this striking monument clearly depicts the formula desired and applied by the Pilgrims, the biblical foundation that brought about the blessings and prosperity of this great nation. Described as Plymouth’s best kept secret, years of forested growth and city development have hidden this monument from the masses. Likewise, years of apathy, complacency, and moral decay have hidden the virtues personified in the monument from the American way of life.
As the nation reels in turmoil, trying desperately to find its way, why not return to the Pilgrims’ way? It worked for them. It can work again. A low-resolution screening is available on YouTube, or visit it in person: 72 Allerton Street, Plymouth, Massachusetts
July 4, 2021 When the Boughs Break “When the boughs thereof are withered, they shall be broken off: the women come, and set them on fire: for it is a people of no understanding: therefore he that made them will not have mercy on them, and he that formed them will shew them no favor.” (Isaiah 27:11) Like a mighty tree towering over the forest, God raises up a mighty nation from time to time, with a great leader, to accomplish some purpose in the divine plan. He “hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation” (Acts 17:26). But when that nation and its leaders become proud, and its people become lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, it becomes like a tree whose branches wither and whose core becomes riddled with insect-caused decay. Finally, the boughs break, the kingdom will fall, and down will come that nation, its leaders and all! That happened even to God’s chosen nation, Israel, though only for a time, since God’s promises cannot fail. One after another, the mighty nations that God used to chastise His wayward people—Egypt, Assyria, Babylonia, Rome, etc.—have in turn been judged for their own rebellion against the God who “made them” and “formed them.” God has warned that “the wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God” (Psalm 9:17). Is that about to happen to our beloved USA as well? The signs of self-seeking power and pride among our leaders and moral decay and spiritual rebellion among our people are widespread and growing worse. Our prayer should be that of the ancient prophet. “O LORD, revive thy work in the midst of the years,…in wrath remember mercy” (Habakkuk 3:2). “Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee?” (Psalm 85:6). HMM |
What powerful symbolism lessons and Christian values are found in that Pilgrims’ memorial statue described above – “The National Monument to the Forefathers”. Not only powerful symbolism, but precious symbols that I would love all people who cherish our freedoms to see and think about. Hopefully it’s not too late to push off the Marxist, atheistic peril….God being our Helper and Strength.
Great comment! Thanks, will pass it on. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
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