I am relieved to notice that my readers see better now, than a year ago, that Australia is reliant on the USA for its security, as is the entire west, not to mention Israel. Australia, with 75 fighters, albeit modern ones, an undermanned army of “woke” personnel, more interested in correct pronouns than shooting enemies dead, coupled with a Navy operating one antique submarine, we do not strike fear into our potential enemies who may be eyeing our huge country. You can thank God that Kommie Kamala is not President. Bud does a great job of outlining what this new Trump era may mean for the world, and how it may fit God’s plan for mankind. May God Bless America and President Trump.
Gibber! Gibber!
Trump’s Victory: What It Might Mean for the Future
By Bud Hancock
We have just lived through what will likely be considered historically as the greatest comeback political victory of all time. The man, Donald J. Trump, who was the 45th President of the United States, experienced some success in his first term, but was denied a second term in the 2020 election. It has been said that everything that happens in a person’s life, does so for a reason, and the loss of the White House for Trump in 2020 may well support that statement. We often want certain events to occur in our timing because they seem so important to us at a certain time. But, could there be a reason why Trump was denied victory in his attempt at reelection in 2020?
The office of the President of the United States is considered one that provides the biggest “bully pulpit” whereby the occupier of that pulpit can easily affect nearly every person on the planet, and I am one who believes that Trump used that pulpit to accomplish some great acts in his four years there.
It is obvious that many people had written Trump off as a loser when, based on the voters whim, he did not return to the White House as the 46th POTUS in 2020, but as shocking as it may seem, there is a “non-voting” Person Who makes decisions that affect every person who has ever lived, and I believe that person was watching and orchestrating the campaigns of Trump and the current VP of the U.S., Kamala Harris. That person is Almighty God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Obviously, God did not consider Donald Trump to be a “loser”, but a man with whom He could work to accomplish His (God’s) will on Earth. We are waiting to see just what His will for President-elect Donald J. Trump might be.

During his first term, President Trump was a strong supporter of Israel who, based on a 1995 U.S. law that requires the U.S. to move its embassy to Jerusalem, actually moved the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, the eternal capital of Israel, while all the presidents from 1995 on had ignored the law, fearing an uproar from, not only the Arab world, but from the weak and squeamish western leaders who also want to remain on the “good side” of the Arabs. Trump also recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, a highly strategic area that Israel needs in order to defend its people. The Abraham Accords, initiated by Trump, was a huge beginning intended to bring about peace with, and normal relations between, Israel and her Arab neighbors, and it has seen much success so far.

Even though there is a high level of hatred by many of the Middle Eastern nations for Trump, there also appears to be much respect for him, accompanied by a much-deserved fear, especially on the part of Iran and its proxies, of what he will do. While in office, Trump was more than a politician; he was a man who, like our 26th POTUS, Teddy Roosevelt, walked softly while carrying a big stick. In his four years in office, many international leaders learned to respect him because they understood that, when he said he would do something specific, he followed through on his promises.
So, based on his previous actions as POTUS, what might we expect to see in the new administration? It has been rumored that he will work toward solving the Israeli/Palestinian issue, even hinting of support for a two-state solution. But in light of the year long war with Iran’s proxies, Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthi rebels of Yemen, the Israeli PM, Benjamin Netanyahu, has indicated there is absolutely no support for such a move among the members of the Israeli Knesset or the Israeli people in general, and some in Israel have stated that the Two State Solution is dead. Personally, I believe such a “solution”, would NOT be a solution, but would only encourage further actions on the part of Israel’s enemies to destroy everything Jewish. God is in favor of peace between Israel and her neighbors, but only on His (God’s) terms (Genesis 12:1-3) and those terms are not favored by Israel’s enemies, at least not yet.
But, if not to bring the much longed for and elusive peace that so many American politicians and world diplomats have sought to achieve, what could Trump possibly do that would move God to place him back in the White House? There are many extremely important and as yet, unfulfilled prophecies in the Bible, and all of them will be world-changing in one way or another.
For those who are not up on end-time prophecy from the Bible, a little refresher is in order. One important point to remember is that God does not waste His words, so everything we have been given as “the Word(s) of God” must be carefully and prayerfully considered, especially when viewed from the prophetic perspective.

The current war in Israel closely aligns with the words of Psalm 83, written by Asaph, a worship leader and seer, appointed by King David. That important prophetic war is currently raging and is progressing toward a fulfillment. But there are several major clashes between Israel and her enemies, prophesied centuries ago, that have yet to be fulfilled. For example, the Gog of Magog Invasion of Israel, the best known war of the future, other than the War of Armageddon which occurs at the end of the seven year Tribulation Period, known in the Bible as Daniel’s Seventieth Week, or the time of Jacob’s Trouble. The details of the Gog of Magog Invasion are found in Ezekiel 38-39. In that invasion, a cadre of nations from the North, consisting of Russia, Iran (Persia), Turkey, along with Ethiopia, Libya, Gomer, Togarmah and possibly several others that are only known by their modern names, will invade Israel.
Their purpose? According to the prophecy given to Ezekiel they will say, “I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates, To take a spoil, and to take a prey; to turn thine (my) hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited, and upon the people that are gathered out of the nations, which have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the midst of the land” (Ezekiel 38:11-12).
This scripture provides details of Israel, dwelling safely in unwalled villages, about to be invaded by a very large army comprised of several large and powerful nations from regions north of Israel. “Dwelling safely” is most certainly NOT the current status of the nation of Israel, nor has it been since the nation was reformed in 1948. Most Israeli towns and villages are surrounded by walls, bars and gates that were built to provide safety and security for their residents. From 1948 to the present time, there have been numerous wars started by the Arab neighbors of Israel with the intent to destroy everything Jewish and to take the land that God gave to Israel (Jacob) for an eternal inheritance.

Knowing that every word of prophecy given by God is sure and certain, we know that the Ezekiel 38-39 invasion cannot and WILL not occur until the conditions listed in the scripture are in place.
But what might possibly bring about the events that could provide these conditions? Read the words of Psalm 83 and understand how they align with the current situation in Israel and her surrounding neighbors. The enemies surrounding Israel have tried to lay claim to all the land wherein Israel resides, but there is Biblical evidence that refutes all their claims. In fact the original land mass given to the Jews is much greater than what they have ever held. The original borders of the land that God promised to the Jews in the Book of Joshua chapters 13-22, along with supporting scriptural references, can be seen on the map:

The green border lines, based on the accompanying scripture, clearly shows how much land has been denied to the Jewish people, its rightful owners. Notice that the borders indicate a much larger area than what the Jewish people now inhabit, with the entire portion of the Tribes of Manasseh, Gad, Dan and Reuben lying to the east of the Jordan River, far beyond Israel’s current borders. Something must change the status quo to a situation that will give the promised land, ALL of it, to its rightful owners, allowing the “dwelling safely” status of Israel before the Gog/Magog Invasion to occur.
First, the enemies surrounding Israel, listed in Psalm 83, and currently warring against Israel, must either be totally defeated or forced to surrender, lay down all their arms and release all the hostages taken on October 7, 2023.
I am not saying that Trump’s actions alone will cause this to occur; I believe it will be a combination of several things occurring in tandem that will bring about the needed status change that will set up the Gog of Magog Invasion.
With his firm stance against all terrorism, and his previously stated and proven support of Israel, the coming Trump presidency could certainly hasten the appearance of the conditions, by the use of his persuasion and deal making expertise, not to mention the fear his presence as the U.S. President instills in the leaders of most Middle Eastern nations.
Am I predicting that this scenario will occur in the immediate future after Trump is inaugurated? Or, am I predicting that Trump alone will cause the covenant between Israel and “the many” to appear (see Daniel 9:27)? Though it is possible, based on his leadership that brought about the Abraham Accords, he will likely head a group of leaders whose desire is to make a covenant that will instigate a time of peace between Israel and her surrounding neighbors.

I am not a prophet, and I have no unction from God to make such predictions, but based on the scripture that indicates how close we are to seeing fulfillment of many prophecies, it seems likely that it will happen. If, as I believe, Donald Trump was chosen to be a vessel used by God to bring about the needed changes in the area, do not be surprised if/when it occurs, sometime early on in his new presidency. Such changes would certainly encourage the powers of the North to consider attacking Israel “to take a spoil”, because Israel’s security will be more lax and her wealth will greatly increase as a result of the changes.
When it does occur, I would not expect to see an immediate start to the Gog/Magog War, but it is not far-fetched to expect that Trump’s actions and decisions will accelerate the alignment of nations in the Middle East that will open the door to further prophetic fulfillment. When the elusive peace begins, it will take some time for the conditions mentioned in Ezekiel 38:11-12 to develop. A nation that has been attacked by its surrounding enemies so many times and has had to “live on the edge” for many years will not easily relax and consider itself safe from further attacks.
Whatever actions and decisions by Trump occur in the new administration that affects Israel, it is clear from scripture, in Daniel 9:27, that, when the Antichrist appears, he will “confirm” the treaty/covenant with “the many”, not just Israel. It is interesting that, while so many believe the Antichrist will be the one who “makes” a covenant with Israel, the word translated into English as “confirm” in Daniel 9:27 is the Hebrew word “gabar”, (Strong’s 1396, pronounced gaw-bar’) and it literally means “to strengthen”, indicating that a covenant will already be in place, between Israel and “the many”, likely the nations with whom Israel has warred for decades since 1948 and most recently at this present time, and the Antichrist will confirm, or strengthen the existing covenant.

When he confirms/strengthens it, the Antichrist will have shown himself to be a very powerful and charismatic international leader, one who is publicly taking responsibility for making sure the covenant is secure. At the confirmation of this covenant, we, the redeemed, may already be in heaven as a result of the Rapture of the Church. Paul explains that the Wicked One, the Man of Sin, the Son of Perdition, the Mystery of Iniquity, also known as the Antichrist, will NOT be revealed until that which now withholdeth (holds back) his appearance is “taken out of the way” (2 Thessalonians 2), and the entity to be taken out of the way is the Church, the Body of Christ on this Earth.
Therefore, the confirming of an existing covenant by this charismatic international leader, will likely signal the beginning of the Tribulation Period, a time of God’s wrath on the Earth and its inhabitants. This action provides further proof that the Church will not be on the Earth when that occurs since we, the redeemed, are not appointed to experience God’s wrath (1 Thessalonians 5:9). However, whether we are in heaven, or still on this Earth, it will be a glorious time! It will mean that God is getting ready to show the entire world just Who He is.
Knowing that God watches over His word to perform it, I am confident that we are nearing the time when these final prophetic events will take place. We will witness some of the most tumultuous days, weeks, months and years ever seen since time began. Many people will die and entire nations will be judged by the God of Judgement. But all the events that we will soon see DO have a positive element to them. As the events occur, it means we are closer to the time when our Lord will return to collect His Church, His Body, and take all true believers out of this war-torn, ravaged and decadent world to be with Him forever. We will be there, adoring Him, and learning about the greatness, the goodness and the majesty of God as the judgment events unfold here on this Earth.

And yet, that is not the end of the good news. When the final battle, the Battle of Armageddon, is over and the Lord is victorious over all His enemies, and has judged the nations, we who are His Body, the Redeemed, will accept our assignments to rule and reign with Him throughout the final thousand years of man’s lease on this Earth, the Millennial Reign of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.
And even THAT is not the end of the good news. After the serpent, Satan, who will have spent almost the entirety of that glorious 1000 years, will be loosed from the pit where he will and will be allowed to tempt the people on the Earth for the last time, and afterwards, he will be caught and tossed unceremoniously into the Lake of Fire, there to remain throughout Eternity. But, once again, as Eternity begins to unfold, we will experience things that are now beyond the imagination of any human mind. As we continue to dwell with our Lord, every day will bring some new revelation of just how good, gracious and merciful God truly is. No more tears, no more worries, no more sadness, no more sickness, no more death, only the bliss of the God of Love Who cared enough to send His Son to make all this possible, and we will be privileged to worship Him, not from afar, but in person, face to face!
If you do not know Him, please pray and ask Him to come into your life and make Him your Lord NOW. He is waiting for you and will NOT turn you away.
Blessings and Maranatha!!
Bud Hancock

Born and raised in a small textile town in North Carolina, Bud’s family moved to Michigan in the hope of finding better employment with General Motors. After graduating from high school, Bud began an apprenticeship with General Motors to become a Metal Modelmaker. Retiring after a 30 year career, which included an eight year stint as a Metrologist (Science of high precision measurement), he and his wife moved back to North Carolina to be near his elderly parents. Shortly thereafter, with both of his parents having passed, he began a new career in the bank security/ATM business, advancing from an entry level technician to one of two North Carolina customer service managers for his employer. Retiring again after 13 years, he and his wife of 51 years relocated to Tennessee where Bud began writing articles emphasizing Biblical teaching and geopolitical issues. At age 75, he and his wife relocated to South Carolina with their Miniature Schnauzer, Baxter. Bud continues to study God’s word and write articles on Christian living and geopolitical issues from the Biblical end times perspective.