Thank you Joan Swirsky for this short article that nails the spirit of the Donald Trump election victory. Now my readers need to pray earnestly for his protection, there is talk of more attempts on his life being planned.
Gibber! Gibber!
Trump’s Electrifying, World-Changing Victory
By Joan Swirsky
It was exactly 1:38 A.M. yesterday that Bret Baier on Fox News said that it was clear “that the next president of the United States of America would be Donald J. Trump.”
Not taking a micrometer of credit away from President Trump 47 and his epically tireless, passionate, often hilariously funny, and brave — in spite of three assassination attempts and then a fourth death threat — countrywide, night-after-night, week-after-week, month-after-month, year-after-year campaign.
Whoever coined the word “superhuman” had a person like Trump in mind!
But I have to give the lion’s share of the credit for President Trump’s decisive, stunning, overwhelming, crushing, thunderous victory to the historically astute, paying-attention, loving-our-country American public.
When you think about it, it is really so understandable.
For the past four years, hardworking Americans resented spending their 8-10-12-14-hour days — more if they have two jobs — working their butts off, only to have their taxes and food prices and gas prices and regulations raised, and crime off the charts, and for what?
To send upward of $175 billion to the Zelensky grifter in Ukraine so he can buy yet another villa and another yacht?
To send not millions, but billions of their hard-earned tax dollars to the murderous, Jew-hating, Israel-loathing jihadist mullahs in Iran so they can put their, ahem, leaders up in decadently luxurious hotels in Qatar?
And, since October 7, 2023, to send more than a billion dollars to the Arabs who call themselves Palestinians…you know, the cheerleaders of the serial murderers known as Hamas and Hezb’allah?

Joan Swirsky is a New York based journalist and author. Her website is, and she can be reached at
I noticed Kamala Harris, in her concession speech, used the term “fight” quite a few times. I see that as a thinly-veiled call to any unstable/ unhinged and upset Dems to “do something about” Trump’s win….along the lines of the Capitol attack on Jan 6th by Trump supporters. I’m not surprised to hear there could well be further attempts on his life too, given Harris’ inflammatory and defiant language.
I hope his Secret Service detail are all eyes and ears in coming months!
Good comment Paul about an unhinged woman…. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
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