For some technical reason I did not receieve this weeks Church service from Pastor Wayne Edwards’ Heritage Baptist Church in Perry, Georgia USA, but I have received his excellent Watchmen’s Report. Click the long link below to access it.
Gibber! Gibber!
By Wayne J. Edwards, March 15, 2025
Dear Fellow Watchmen,
In 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12, the Apostle Paul said the day would come when God will send a strong delusion upon those who reject the gospel truth that would save them. Paul refers to that time of great spiritual deception and apostasy, when the people will be so blinded by their evil desires that they will embrace the world’s lies as if they were the truth. Can you say “Gender Dysphoria?”
Such is the case with those who refuse to see the acts of absolute evil and wickedness the current administration is exposing. They are so blinded by their political ideology and their hatred for America’s Christian heritage that they cannot rejoice to see corruption exposed. But it is being exposed, and I pray that those who are exposing it will not stop until justice is served upon all those who, in any way, put their self-interests and biased agendas ahead of their duty to our nation. Perhaps those who have violated their sacred oaths in their political offices should swap places with the lowest rank soldier who is on guard duty in the middle of nowhere.
However, to achieve real revival in our land, we need a deep spiritual cleansing in all of our seminaries, Bible colleges, denominational organizations, religious institutions, and in the pastoral and lay-leadership of every local assembly of believers. It is time to expose the theological liberalism and doctrinal moderation that have been allowed to creep in, and to get rid of it, root and branch. I sense a sincere hunger for the truth of God’s Word on the part of our children, youth, and young adults. However, they aren’t finding it in their local churches, and they are being led into para-church organizations that have no fiduciary accountability much less doctrinal integrity. We are on the edge of losing today’s youth and tomorrow’s children.
Would you join me in praying for God to raise up such spiritual leaders?
Pastor Wayne
Wayne J. and Linda J. Edwards
PO Box 766
Perry, GA 31069