Pastor Wayne, of Heritage Baptist Church, Perry, Georgia, USA, begins the advent period with a sermon dealing with the whole Eternal origins of Jesus Christ, something so often missed these days. The sermon is called “The Sinfulness of Man”. The service begins at approximately 14 minutes, it can b viewed by clicking the above link.
The Watchmen’s Report follows below, it is the best compilation of events indicating the soon return of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Gibber! Gibber!
November 29, 2024
Dear Heritage Family and Friends,
Today’s version of the Christmas story leaves out the very purpose of the birth of Jesus Christ. In other words, it makes the Christmas story sound like God failed in His first effort to make mankind in His own image—human beings who would love Him because of His love for them—and the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ was His “Plan B.”
Beloved, the whole Christmas story began even before Genesis. Even before He created the world, God determined to save those whom He knew would rebel against Him. In other words, the grand narrative of the Bible was fulfilled in the birth of Jesus of Nazareth—God the Father determined to reveal His love for lost mankind by sending His own Son in the form of man to redeem us from our sins through His sacrificial death. That’s the whole story of Christmas.
We must be very careful to get the whole Christmas story correct lest we get the gospel wrong, and lost people believe they are saved by their faith in Jesus Christ who died as a martyr for the Christian faith rather than the Savior of sinners that He was and is. Eternity is too long to be a little bit wrong!
With that in mind, I want to preach a new series of sermons over the next five Sundays. The series title is The Whole Christmas Story, and this first sermon is titled “The Sinfulness of Man.”
· The sermon may be viewed at
· The sermon will be available on our website and YouTube.
Thank you for forwarding these sermon study guides
Wayne J. and Linda J. Edwards
PO Box 766
Perry, GA 31069
By Wayne J. Edwards, November 30, 2024
My Fellow Watchmen,
In one of his many books, the Puritan preacher Thomas Watson wrote, “The devil has his ministers. There are some who, by the subtlety of their wit, have learned the art of mixing error with truth and to give poison in a golden cup. Take heed who you hear and how you hear. Be like the noble Bereans, who searched the Scriptures daily to see whether the things that they taught were true or not.”
Thomas wrote that in the mid-1600s, but his warning is still appropriate for our day. Not only are we living in the age of deception, but we are also entering the age of delusion, which will lead many to apostasy. To quote from one of the articles enclosed:
“The woke church is a counterfeit church that does not represent the true body of believers, nor does it fulfill the mission of the true church. It replaces the gospel with a false religion that offers no salvation, no forgiveness, and no hope. It exchanges the eternal truth of God’s Word for cultural zeitgeist. It preaches a false Christ who doesn’t demand repentance, a God who doesn’t judge sin, and a gospel that doesn’t save. And the worst part? It does all of this in the name of love as if leading people further into darkness could ever be loving.”
Beloved, I urge you to petition God for the spirit of discernment, which is the spiritual ability to distinguish whether the source of what is being presented is divine or demonic origin. From what I am reading, and hearing from so many people, the “social justice gospel” has replaced the true gospel in many churches: compassion for those in need has now replaced our duty to get the gospel to the lost.
Reread Thomas Watson’s comments, and if the Holy Spirit prompts you regarding any deviation from the biblical gospel in your church, don’t darken the door of that church again. While the pulpit is the main area, parents need to ensure their children and youth hear nothing less than the true gospel in their respective ministries. A “WOKE” gospel is a house built on sand, and when the storms of life come, those who have believed the lie won’t have the spiritual strength to stand firm in their faith.
Paul Washer said, “Don’t look for the nearest church to your house. Look for the church closest to the Bible.” No matter how far away it is, no matter how “old fashioned” it is, no matter how large or how small it is, if that pastor is still proclaiming the unchanging truth of God’s Word, make whatever sacrifices necessary to be a part of it, for he will lead your whole family closer to the Lord and to each other, and that’s the most important thing.
Thank you for sharing these selected news reports and opinion articles with those you think might be interested. Thank the Lord, the days of the “legacy media” are over. However, we also need the spirit of discernment regarding the multiple sources of news we can now receive—not all of it is true!!! Be careful! Be wise! Be discerning! Be prepared!
Pastor Wayne
Wayne J. and Linda J. Edwards
PO Box 766
Perry, GA 31069