Another week flies by. Wayne Edwards, Pastor of Heritage Baptist Church, Perry, Georgia USA explains details of the Rapture of The Church in a wonderfully explicit way. To access the sermon click on the image below. As usual the weeks News handouts follow this introduction.
Gibber! Gibber!
PS: If these articles are helpful to you would you consider buying me a banana by clicking the icon on the landing page right hand side? Amounts start at $5, and, if you help us, we can help our contributors and others. Many thanks to those who helped so far – a big Gibber!
If you view the sermon on our WEBSITE: you may click on the sermon title on the second page, and find the sermon study guide.
THANK YOU AGAIN for the many notes we received this week. Your encouragement means a lot to our ALL-VOLUNTEER MEDIA TEAM.
THANK YOU for forwarding these study guides to those you think might be interested in receiving them.
Wayne J. and Linda J. Edwards
PO Box 766
Perry, GA 31069
Dear Fellow Watchmen,
The declared purpose of the tower of Babel was to prove that man could reach into the heavens by his own power; i.e., he did not need God. Had they been successful, their goal was to worship the sun and the stars; i.e., the creation rather than the Creator God.
God saw their intentions as a deliberate rebellion against His command for the people to spread all over the earth and to fill it with people. He saw their pride and their arrogance, and He shattered their lofty dreams by so confusing the language of the workers they could no longer understand one another.
Understand, the ultimate goal of “globalism” is to take the world back to Babel under the rule of one man, the antichrist. Like Nimrod, who was in cahoots with demonic forces when he led the people to build that tower, the 2,700 leaders of the World Economic Forum have set themselves above God and devised a plan to “force” world peace by removing all forms of nationalism, individualism, including race and gender, and religion.
According to the Books of Daniel and Revelation, these globalists may be temporarily successful in establishing their “New World Order.” However, those same sources also tell of their eventual defeat, as the Lord Jesus returns to this earth to establish His New Kingdom, which means this is a SPIRITUAL battle, not political.
Other than a brief news story on the tensions in Israel, I’ve dedicated this whole edition of the News Handouts to the global goals of the manufactured humanitarian crisis on America’s southern border.
Please pass these handouts on to those you think would want to read them! Pastor Wayne
Wayne J. and Linda J. Edwards
PO Box 766
Perry, GA 31069
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