Bud Hancock presents part three of his series “The Nimrod Spirit” which is most applicable to the age in which you live. Keep looking up! Your redemption draweth nigh. Luke 21:28.
Gibber! Gibber!
The Nimrod Spirit – Part Three
By Bud Hancock
Is The Nimrod Spirit Guiding the United Nations?
For almost the entirety of my lifetime, I have been aware of the existence of the United Nations. For many years, I gave it little thought except as being a tall building located in New York City. Of course, I knew it consisted of a large number of sovereign nations that banded together to – supposedly – bring peace to the world. I would bet that Nimrod seduced his people with some claim that building his tower would make their lives better. As stated at the beginning of this article, there is nothing new under the sun and the appearance of “The United Nations” is certainly nothing more than a renewal of the original spirit of Nimrod.
During my school years in the fifties and sixties, our education included the information we needed to cause us to believe the United Nations was a good thing; after all, mankind had been through two massively destructive world wars, leaving millions of people dead or permanently damaged and unable to function in life. It would seem then that any organization claiming to “unite” people and bring a permanent peace to them would be great, right? What could possibly go wrong with nearly two hundred sovereign nations banding together to keep the world safe from war?

Is there even a remote possibility that these “united nations” can do what they claim to be able to do? Can they actually do what God seems to have been unable to do for nearly 6000 years? My opinion is that, no, it is not even a remote possibility. Why do I say that? The foundation for a united people must include respect for all others and a willingness to listen to the wishes and see the needs of all others in the “union”. This foundation could only support such a work, such a building, if it were based on Godly principles with all human input being subject to the laws of God. In our new covenant based on the life, death and resurrection of God’s Son, Jesus Christ, that law is the Law of Love (read both 1 John and 2 John, Galatians 5:22-23). Unless the Love of God is the directing force behind any uniting movement, it is NOT of God and will ultimately fail.
There are many member nations in the United Nations that not only cannot live in peace among themselves, they also have a burning hatred for other peoples and nations, to the extent that they will do anything in their power to destroy those other nations. They will lie and deceive in order to gain the support of any others who will eventually agree with them in their hatred.
We now see the United Nations using the power of their union against a people that is more and more the object of such hatred. It seems that the entire World has decided that the Jewish people, the nation of Israel, is worthy of the hatred of the rest of the World and its people. Decisions made at the UN regarding the tiny nation of Israel and its 7.2 million Jews are overwhelmingly negative, with calls from some members to outright seek the destruction of all Jews. Since God is and always has been the protector of Israel and the Jewish people, the APPLE OF HIS EYE, any desire to see them destroyed is certainly not from Him. Any person, or any nation, who truly desires to see the Jewish people destroyed is in direct contradiction to God.
Any uniting of peoples whose purpose is not of God, and from God, is inherently evil. Just as Nimrod began what was the first anti-God uniting of many people to “make a name for ourselves”, and that movement brought God’s judgment on them all, even so this new movement of uniting peoples into “one name”, will also bring judgment.

The End of the Nimrod Spirit
When Nimrod began his attempt to defy God by building a tower, he was guided by an evil spirit that controlled every aspect of that evil endeavor, and that guidance eventually cost Nimrod his life. However, when Nimrod died, that evil spirit did not die, and it is still very active today. Based on Nimrod’s desire to have all people on the Earth under his control, and the fact that the United Nations now seems intent on the same goal, perhaps the case can be made that the spirit behind the United Nations is that same evil spirit that controlled the life and actions of Nimrod.
Fortunately, the time for the final judgment of that Nimrod spirit is nearly here.
Seventy-six years ago, on May 14, 1948, God reassembled some of his scattered people back to their Promised Land where they once again became a recognized nation, and once again, the Ecclesiastes Pattern appeared with the gathering of those Jews into their ancestral homeland. The cycle of the Pattern continues to this day.
As we now are nearing the end of the Church Age, we can know that God has kept extremely good records of all the deeds done by each person who ever lived, and each person born into this World will have had a lifetime to accept the Messiah as God’s Son and the sacrificial Lamb of redemption and to get with God’s program of preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world, or to unite with Satan to oppose God and all that He is.
We are nearing the time when God will be doing another marvelous work that will summarize all that has occurred since the Genesis creation. Each person who ever lived WILL face God’s judgment, just as did the rebels of Babylon and every other evil empire that sought to control this Earth. There will be a mighty gathering of all the nations of the Earth in the Valley of Megiddo in the very near future. The nations, led by the Antichrist, will be ready to make war with God and actually think they can defeat Him and finally have the freedom from His constraints they have always wanted.

In reality, they will face Jesus Christ and the armies of heaven in a final showdown of the war between Good and Evil., and it does NOT end well for them. When the dust settles, all Satan’s armies will be dead and Jesus, who first arrived on Earth as the meek and lowly Lamb of God, will stand victorious as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the King of the Universe, and will be ready to remake this Earth in glorious perfection.
Satan, The Spirit of Rebellion, the creature who truly IS the Spirit of Nimrod, will be judged, bound and thrown into a bottomless pit where he will remain until Jesus has completed a 1000 year reign of righteousness, known as The Millenium, on the Earth.
Until then we must realize that our time to complete our Godly assignments on this Earth is very short. Be submitted to God and His authority and resist Satan. Stand strong against the evil Spirit of Nimrod and all those humans who have already given themselves over to the deception being propagated by the evil United Nations. Be ready when Jesus appears in the heavens to call us home where we will be getting ready for our eternal assignments.
Maranatha! And Blessings!

Born and raised in a small textile town in North Carolina, Bud’s family moved to Michigan in the hope of finding better employment with General Motors. After graduating from high school, Bud began an apprenticeship with General Motors to become a Metal Modelmaker. Retiring after a 30 year career, which included an eight year stint as a Metrologist (Science of high precision measurement), he and his wife moved back to North Carolina to be near his elderly parents. Shortly thereafter, with both of his parents having passed, he began a new career in the bank security/ATM business, advancing from an entry level technician to one of two North Carolina customer service managers for his employer. Retiring again after 13 years, he and his wife of 51 years relocated to Tennessee where Bud began writing articles emphasizing Biblical teaching and geopolitical issues. At age 75, he and his wife relocated to South Carolina with their Miniature Schnauzer, Baxter. Bud continues to study God’s word and write articles on Christian living and geopolitical issues from the Biblical end times perspective.