Pastor Wayne Edwards keeps plugging away with excellent sermons, pertinent to your times. This service is spine tingling and has a clarion call for Patriotism. His News Clips are as urgent as ever to keep you abreast of what your world is becoming – woke and broke. Click on the link above to join the service which begins at approximately 15 minutes.
Gibber! Gibber!
PS: If these articles are helpful to you would you consider buying me a banana by clicking the icon on the landing page right hand side? Amounts start at $5, and, if you help us, we can help our contributors, like Wayne, and others. Many thanks to those who have helped so far – many thanks and a big Gibber!
July 7, 2023
Dear Heritage Family,
The religion of “Wokeism” is an evil ideology incompatible with a Biblical or Christian worldview and, therefore, Western Values. The goal of this movement is the complete dismantling and rebuilding of western culture from the ground up. Or, to put it in the words of the former President who inaugurated it, “The Fundamental Transformation of America.”
The cultural war we are in today is Satan’s final effort to destroy the last hindrance to the establishing the New World Order, which is the biblical family. The contest is between the truth of God’s Word and the lies of Wokeism. While the main issue is the redefinition of the family, the immediate goal is to require everyone to embrace the sin of every form of homosexuality.
We will explain this further in our Sermon, The Battle for the Soul of America: The text for the sermon is Romans 1:18-32., You may click on the sermon title on the second page and find the sermon study guide.
THANK YOU for forwarding these study guides to those you think might be interested in receiving them.
Wayne J. and Linda J. Edwards
PO Box 766
Perry, GA 31069
My Fellow Watchmen,
According to these selected news stories and editorial opinions, it appears the America most of us have been so privileged to live in may be coming to an end. From my perspective, it appears former President Ronald Reagan’s warning back in 1984 was not heeded. Regan said, “Without God, democracy will not and cannot long endure. If we ever forget that we’re one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under!”
The basic thesis of Romans 1:18-32 is clear. When a nation rejects the authority of God, He just gives that nation up to their vain idea that they can live without Him. The graveyard of the 32 past advanced civilizations that have collapsed before us should convince us that no nation can survive without God, and looking at what is, and what isn’t happening in our nation this morning, especially in the evangelical churches, unless there is a national repentance that brings us to our knees, the most God-blessed nation that ever existed on this earth will soon be destroyed by the One who blessed it. – Wayne Edwards

3 thoughts on “THE LIES OF WOKEISM”
Please PLEASE! Stop calling us a democracy!! We are a REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLIC as declared by our Founders under the guidance of Almighty GOD HIMSELF! This constant lie of calling us a democracy is itself satanic! Satan knows that listening to and buying and repeating that lie is itself his way to destroy our nation! STOP IT!! Or no bananas for you!
Thank you Susan! I shall pass your comment on to Pastor Wayne! Gibber! Gibber! Chugley an Australian Chimp who likes his bananas!
Answer received from Pastor Wayne: “I couldn’t agree with Susan more. I didn’t intend to say we were a democracy. My purpose was to show that the whole LBGT community represents less than 5 percent of the population. A democracy is 50.5 percent, why are we allowing 5 percent act like they are the majority? Please tell her thanks for the comment”. Pastor Wayne Thank you Pastor Wayne Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
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