I was reading my magazines and came upon this article by Brian Davis and Andrew Miller, part of an article entitled Was Charles Darwin Rational? It explained the unlikely occurrence of monkeys turning into humans. It sure puzzled me. I seem to be more of a freak than I thought. What do you think? Please, keep your comments polite!
The Human Genome Project has determined that a genetic mutation of one billionth of a genome is fatal. Out of the 3.6 billion human base pairs, a random change in just three is fatal, and zero offspring are produced.
Evolutionists say chimpanzees and humans “evolved” from a common ancestor, but they know that at least 35 million base pairs are different. If all mutations were beneficial, and if they happened in the proper order, and if other changes or hazards did not kill off the hypothetical evolutionary progress, it would take 17 million generations for these genes to become similar (assuming two beneficial mutations per generation). And no mutation has ever been observed to be beneficial.
The probability one particular base pair being altered is 3.6 billion to one. Multiplying that by the 35 million base pair difference between man and Chimp yields a probability 126 Quadrillion to One. And this ratio doesn’t take into account the mathematical impossibility of nucleobases evolving from from some other non living molecular compound.
Gibber! Gibber!
The Improbably Evolving Chimp

Dear Chugley. What are you doing?? You have unravelled my brain. I always thought 10 – 1 was good odds, but these odds are beyond my comprehension. I am so pleased that I am the result of God’s creation, so you can take all the genomes and quadrillions and stack them in the corner of your ‘habitat’. I am happy to be a non evolving person. Tho’ when I step on the scales, something seems to be evolving ??
Try to be a little more sympathetic to my situation Milton- how do you think I feel when I seem to be “evolving”? I am just sharing my confusion with you, as my dear Mandrill friend. Are you “evolving” too? Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
Sometimes revolving, but not evolving.
That is comforting to know! Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
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